The spatula technique is a method for creative wall design that originated in Italy in the 15th century. The walls are filled smooth and shiny, which creates beautiful light reflections in the room. Wall design using the spatula technique creates the best marble imitations and this makes walls attractive and eye-catching. In this article you will find everything worth knowing about the spatula technique in detail, as well as some examples and helpful tips.
The filling techniques can refine any surface andan excellent effectcreate in space. The technique is based on a mixture of slaked lime and marble powder, which create a special filler. It is then applied to the wall in several layers with a stainless spatula and finally polished. The end result is a surface that looks structured but is actually smooth and shiny.
The lime-based technique is a complex process that also comes at a corresponding price. If you hire a painter for the job, expect to pay around 140 to 200 euros per square meter, which is not a cheap price. The professionals work with special materials and tools, which is why they require a high price. However, if you want to do the wall design yourself using the spatula technique, then you need a lot of patience before you get to work. In this case, you can also use cheaper materials, such as effect putty, which create a similar effect.
You can find ready-made fillers on the market that are cheaper than lime-based ones, are easier to process and are well suited for do-it-yourselfers. Anyone who has decided to design a wall using the spatula technique should definitely ensure that the surface is smooth and clean. It should continue to be painted in a uniform color so that no unwanted color effects are created. The use of a special spatula also plays a major role.
The most important tool is the right spatula. The best options are the so-called Japanese spatulas, surface spatulas or spring spatulas, which have rounded edges, are flexible and therefore do not damage the surface of the wall. You should also cover the flooring and furniture with foil and the baseboards with painter's tape to protect them.
The design requires a smooth surface. Therefore, you should remove textured wallpaper from the wall you are designing, if it is present. If the surface is still porous, it should be treated with a primer until it becomes even and smooth. If necessary, the wall should also be painted in a uniform color and ultimately cleaned.
First, the so-called base filler is applied to the entire surface of the wall in small patches that do not overlap. This is done with the special stainless spatula. Please note that the surface should always remain smooth and even. After the “spots” are dry, the resulting gaps are filled again with the base filler as a second step until there are no more free spaces. After each layer has dried, you should sand the surface with sandpaper (180 grit).
Next, effect filler is again applied in patches all over the wall. Allow to dry again and completely fill the gaps with overlapping strokes of the spatula. As a final step, rub the dried wall with the putty knife, holding it flat until the surface is polished. The shiny effect can be enhanced with a special wax or soap.
The technology requires a lot of work and usually takes a lot of time. Ideally, each layer should dry for at least 5 hours before the next one is applied. On the other hand, the unusual visual effect of this type can be mentioned as an advantage. This makes the walls look expensive and noble and creates beautiful effects in every room.
The spatula technique offers beautiful combination options with other painting techniques. For example, the walls can be visually divided with a matching border and each part can be designed using a different technique. The design combines beautifully with a wiping, wrapping, sponge or glazing technique, for example.
If you want to save costs, you don't necessarily have to forego the technology. A cheap alternative to this would be to mix a cheap wall paint of your choice with some plaster and a color pigment and decorate the wall with it. Another option for faster design with a shiny, structured look is, for example, non-woven wallpaper.
If you want to do it yourself, you should consider enough time because rushing the work will not produce such a good effect. You should also clean the special spatula thoroughly with water after each use. You should always keep in mind that the decoration work with the effect filler almost never looks the same on every wall, which is actually achieved with this technique.
The elegant-looking spatula technique is available in numerous colors and can also be designed as a combination of several colors. With yellow filler, for example, you can give a bedroom or living room an oriental flair.
Instead of using tiles or expensive real marble, you can decorate the walls in the bathroom using the spatula technique. With special fillers, the walls can even be made waterproof, which is the most important thing for the surfaces in the bathroom. However, the technology in the bathroom requires a lot of work and costs, but the end result is worth it.
The ceiling in the living room or bathroom can also be refined with it. The resulting shine creates beautiful light reflections in the room and can be made even more striking with suitable direct or indirect lighting.