Painting wall patterns for creative wall design – tips and ideas

To add variety to the interior, you can paint wall patterns. You can certainly find it ready-made in a painter's shop or in a specialist retailer, but to add the optimal individual touch to the living ambience, design your walls in a different way. In the article we present two simple and extremely stylish examples of creative wall painting and helpful tips for painting.

Before you start your creative painting, make sure you have all the useful tools and supplies. Around small patterns andmodern figureTo attach it to the wall, you would need a small paint roller, a special brush for dabbing and, last but not least – painter's tape. Make sure that the tape is exactly suitable for painting work, as normal paper tape can leave unsightly marks and ultimately will not produce a clean paint line.

A visually very pleasant and appealing oneVariant for creative wall designis the honeycomb pattern. A stencil can be created quickly using a line and protractor. To leave even distance between the individual elements, use strong painter's tape.

The procedure is shown step by step in the pictures. In this case, only part of the wall is colored as an accent in the room. Make the template out of cardboard or sturdy cardboard and use a pencil to mark the correct locations of the individual honeycomb elements.

To create stylish and non-tacky patterns, it is best to use only two colors, one of which is monochrome or neutral. Contrasting walls look extravagant and maintain simple furniture. Black, white and gray are the eternal classics, as well as combinations of clear and neutral colors. Otherwise, choose 3-4 shades of a color - like yellow in this case - and place them next to each other to create a beautiful color composition.

After you have created the pattern with the stencil and pencil, check again from a distance from the wall whether you like the pattern and, above all, the number of honeycombs. If necessary, you can then add a few more.

Then cover the free spaces between the individual honeycombs with adhesive tape. So the space you leave between the honeycombs when drawing on the wall should be equal to the width of the tape. After taping, you can start designing with the colors.

Once you have painted all the hexagons, you can carefully peel off the adhesive tape. The paint should ideally still be wet at this point. Dry paint may eventually flake off when you remove the tape, ruining your work. Now you can enjoy your new wall design!

Instead of just designing an accent with hexagons, you can also design the entire wall. The design becomes particularly chic if you use three different shades of a certain color to color the honeycombs. You can of course decide for yourself which color this should be. If you find it difficult to imagine how to arrange the shades, simply make a sketch of the wall and the pattern on a piece of paper and experiment with it. Then transfer the design to the wall.

*Wall design with honeycomb pattern – the full instructionshere

*Wall design with monochrome ornaments – a DIY project byA beatuful mess