We would like to introduce you to a special type of wooden house that uses logs for the masonry. A basic structure is built from steel or wooden beams, which are then connected to each other by walls made from a combination of logs and cement mortar. In this article we would like to explain to you what exactly this type of architecture represents for a house made of wood and what its advantages are.
This type of wooden house is particularly environmentally friendly because it is...natural materialsbe used. In addition, the masonry provides perfect insulation, which means that it can be quickly heated and cooled inside. The walls absorb the respective temperature and store it so that they can then release it again.
Anyone who likes the look of log cabins will definitely like this wooden house. Its aesthetics make the house increasingly popular because its natural look makes it appear comfortable. The rustic look is reminiscent of mountain huts and is inviting. It doesn't matter how big the house is.
In addition, the walls, as they were built, are also very attractive indoors and no further plastering is necessary. If you still prefer white or colored walls, you can of course also plaster and paint or wallpaper them inside. This is a matter of taste and a question of budget. This is therefore a flexible architecture.
The construction of such a wooden house is inexpensive and not that difficult compared to other variants. Many owners have built their houses this way without having any experience with brickwork. If you also dare to build walls, you can save a lot of money on a master and invest it in other things. Maybe you have a friend who knows about building walls and can show you how it works.
No wall is the same in this wooden house! Although the materials are always the same, each wall will have an individual look. The shape and size of the logs varies constantly, so that the walls cannot look alike. With a little imagination, you can even create interesting designs with the logs while you're building bricks.
You can choose the shape of the logs as you wish. Both uncut, round pieces of wood and the classic chopped ones with their triangular shape are suitable. It all depends on what look you like the most. The square shape of wooden beams is also an option. Of course, you can just as easily combine several shapes with each other.
Something you should consider before building this masonry structure is whether you want the logs to stick out a little or be flush with the mortar. If the logs stick out, this provides additional texture and a more natural effect. For indoor use, we definitely recommend the flat version so that you can easily place furniture on the wall and hang pictures straight.
If you want to spend a lot of time in the garden in summer, you can consider a wooden house. You decide the size yourself. You can build a small bungalow out of logs and enjoy your free time there. The construction is also well suited for garden sheds, especially if a single-family home is too large a project for you.
The masonry can also be combined very well with other materials. Above you have already seen a rustic house where the facade is also decorated with natural stone. Modern buildings, which are primarily larger, also use a solid steel structure instead of a wooden frame. An architect should calculate exactly which option is safer in your case.
Small structures are a good alternative and give your garden a rustic look. A shed to store garden tools or equipment is a great and, above all, practical option. Even a sauna can be built this way. The variant is a great change from the classic sauna, which only uses wood.
Smaller logs of wood were used for this house, and they also stick out slightly. In combination with the wooden railing, an attractive veranda with a view of the garden is created. So you can enjoy nature all around. If you decide to buy a wooden house, get good advice after you have chosen the size of the house.
Here you can see again how the logs are arranged. In this case they are round logs, but that doesn't change the technology. You can see the construction of a center, which we would like to introduce to you below. It is proof that a wooden house can also look modern. So fans of minimalism can rejoice.
The Arcus Center was developed by Studio Gang and is located on the college's campus. It is intended to bring students, lecturers and visitors together. Its shape was adjusted accordingly. The wooden house has a three-axis shape with three entrances. One of them leads to the student dormitories, the second to the neighborhood buildings and the third to the forest that borders the university campus. Steel was used as the basic structure.
Various areas have been designed in the center. In addition to a meeting point for entertainment, there is also a kitchen. Furthermore, smaller conference rooms and work areas offer the opportunity for more private meetings. The wooden house also has large window fronts that allow plenty of daylight to penetrate the rooms and thus create an open atmosphere.