Modernize your house and turn it into a smart home: This is how your home becomes connected!

Cooking, heating, ventilating, providing the right lighting – anyone who turns their home into a smart home can make themselves comfortable. Networked technology takes care of (almost) everything – and you don’t even have to modernize the entire house!

Smart home for beginners: It doesn’t have to be the complete package

Smart Home or Home Automation basically means nothing other than that“intelligent” home technologyautonomously carries out desired actions at the desired time. The individual devices also communicate with each other and can be controlled with a smartphone while on the move. Beginners can start with individual smart home components; it doesn't have to be the full program.

Some solutions simply work via timers. For example, you raise the blinds in the morning and lower them again in the evening. This is the simple version. Equipped with an additional solar sensor, roller shutters also react to external influences such as sunlight. They then close automatically as soon as the radiation reaches a certain intensity.

You shouldmodernize your house soonyou can use this opportunity to network a wide variety of devices with one another. How about this: As soon as you turn on the light in the bedroom, the coffee machine in the kitchen automatically turns on while the heater preheats the bathroom. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, it is better to hire a specialist company to install more complex home automation systems.

Home automation for more protection and security

Controlling building technology via smartphone offers convenience and greater security. All you have to do is install a corresponding app. Is the coffee machine really switched off? Should you preheat the oven for your evening pizza? All of this is possiblebasically from any locationclarify and initiate.

There are also numerous ways to protect yourself from burglars and dangers such as fire using smart home technology. Modern smoke detectors not only sound loudly when there is a fire, but also raise the shutters to clear escape routes. In the event of a break-in attempt, special glass break sensors switch on the lights throughout the house, trigger an alarm call to the police and inform you on your smartphone. When it comes to security, it is advisable to play it safe and commission experts to set up the smart home solutions.

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