Storing wood pellets correctly: What you should consider when storing pellets outdoors or indoors

Wood pellets are made from biomass materials such as sawdust, grass, alfalfa, rice husks, grain straw, waste paper, etc. During manufacturing, the biomass materials are formed into solid, high-density pellets and the lignin is melted so that it binds the biomass materials together. Wood pellets are characterized by small size, high density, high purity, high calorific value, cleanliness, low cost, easy storage and transportation. Nowadays they are used as fuel in heating stoves, ovens and in electricity generation. Below you will find out how you should store wood pellets correctly.

How long can you store pellets?

Usually wood pellets are packed in plastic bags or paper bags. These cannot completely separate the pellets from the air. The moisture in the air moistens the wood pellets and makes them loose. Therefore, the storage time of wood pellets is determined by the humidity of the environment. The moisture content of the pellets can be divided into 2 levels. If it is higher than 10%, the storage time is less than 3 months. If the moisture content is lower than 10%, the storage time is more than 6 months.

Improper storage can cause the pellets to become damp and crack, which can damage theirQuality and burning effectreduced and leads to economic losses. So we need to learn how to store wood pellets properly.

Note the following:Because wood pellets are easily damaged by moisture, fire, and other environmental factors, it is recommended not to store too many pellets than you need. It is enough to store wood pellets for 1 month.

Storing wood pellets doesn’t have to be difficult. You just need to know what conditions are best to protect the material and make it last as long as possible. For the best protection, use a pellet storage container that excludes environmental influences such as pests and water.When you get your pelletsIf you need to store them in their original packaging, stack the bags in alternating directions. This trick ensures that the pressure on each bag is the same and prevents moisture from building up between bags by allowing air to flow through.

Storing wood pellets indoors

Indoor pellet storage is the best method to safely store your pellets when the conditions are right. A shed, garage or basement is a great place for storage because the wood pellets are out of the way but still accessible. However, make sure these interiors are suitable for storing wood pellets.

Some basements are prone to flooding or moisture and if this is the case in yours, you may want to find another place to store your pellets. However, don't give up hope if the basement is your only option. You can use a dehumidifier and store the wood pellet bags on shelves or another location off the ground.

Use other storage locations to your advantage if you have them. If you have space in your garage or shed, this could be the perfect place to store your wood pellets. You should keep your containers or bags sealed, even if you cover them – this will help keep pests away.

Danger: It has been reported that stored bags of pellets can release both carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2), particularly when stored in a warm environment. Make sure your storage room is well ventilated, install a CO detector, and pay attention to the symptoms of CO poisoning - headaches, dizziness and nausea.

Store wood pellets correctly: pellet storage outdoors

Storing wood pellets outdoors is more problematic due to environmental factors, but it is a practical way to store pellets if you don't have space indoors. Be careful when storingOutdoor wood pelletsMake sure you keep them:

  • in an airtight container: plastic or metal tank, silo;
  • in concrete or plastic tanks (underground storage in the garden);
  • covered from rain;
  • not on the floor.

Even though your tanks should be sealed, you don't want to risk water getting in and ruining your pellets.

Useful tips for storing wood pellets

When storing your wood pellets indoors or outdoors, pay attention to the following:

  • Store away from heat sources: It's no surprise that wood pellets are flammable - after all, you light them to use them. Therefore, it is only logical that you should not store wood pellets indoors or outdoors near heat sources to avoid a dangerous situation. Do not store them near your grill, fireplace, or other heat source in your home.
  • Storeneue PelletsSeparated from old: Separate old pellets so you know to use them first instead of mixing them with the new material.
  • Handle them carefully: While wood pellets are durable, if handled too roughly they can break or chip. This leads to excessive dust and renders some of your material unusable. Be careful when retrieving pellets from storage.
  • Make sure all ventilation guidelines and fire safety requirements are met.