Blinds or curtains against the cold: How you can use thermal fabrics effectively for thermal insulation

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The long cushions are pretty to look at and effective, but they are not necessarily very practical, especially on doors. Every time you open the door you have to put it back into position. A good alternative, which more and more people are choosing, is a curtain to protect against the cold, which can be attached to both outside doors and inside. There are also great models for windows in a variety of designs. So if you have planned to equip the room with new curtains or blinds anyway, you can consider one of the following options.

What type of curtain is effective against cold

Photo: Dariusz Jarzabek/ Shutterstock

There are not only curtains to successfully protect rooms from the cold outside and so onReduce heating costs. Blinds or roller blinds can also be made specifically for this purpose and serve as draft excluders for windows, but also front doors, balcony doors and patio doors. What could you choose from?

Thermal curtains and blinds provide insulation in winter and summer

  • Blackout

Typical curtains for insulation are the so-called blackout curtains. They are made of dense, heavy materials such as velvet, suede, wool or even felt, and have the wonderful property of keeping heat in the house (reducing loss by up to 25 percent) and insulating it from the cold - it stays so outside. And in summer, exactly the opposite effect occurs: the heat is stopped by the curtain and it stays pleasantly cool inside. This not only reduces heating costs, but also means that the air conditioning is used less often.

The main disadvantage is that they also block out the light and so that they can continue to stop the draft in winter, they have to remain closed. Not particularly pleasant when the daylight hours are already so much less. In summer, however, you can also open the blackout curtains as soon as the sun no longer shines through the respective window.

Photo: Astibuk/Shutterstock

There are also roller blinds with the blackout effect. You can find these, among othershere on Amazon.

  • Models with foam backing

The models, which are actually called thermal curtains, are equipped with acrylic foam on the back and are even more effective, but in principle they work like the blackouts. A special advantage that is worth mentioning about the thermal curtain against cold for doors and windows is that it also has a sound-insulating function. So if your windows or doors face a busy street or something similar, you can reduce the noise at the same time.

The disadvantage here is that the curtains darken the room when they are drawn, which is not always desirable. But they are also opaque in the evening hours and provide good privacy protection.

  • Double layer models

The most effective in this range are probably the double-layer thermal curtains. They are covered with protective fabric on both sides, while the inside consists of an insulating layer.

How you can stop draft loftfind out here.

Honeycomb pleated blinds as protection from the cold

Foto: Maridav/ Shutterstock

You know how so-called insulating glass works, which consists of at least two panes of glass. The air it contains serves as a buffer between the warm room and the cold winter air, thereby reducing heat loss. The so-called honeycomb pleated blinds also work according to the same principle. As the name suggests, they have a honeycomb pattern in whose inner pockets the air collects and, like the insulating window, acts as insulation - both in winter and summer. They can also be used for sound insulation.

Assembly is really easy and they come in a variety of designs. However, in order for the pleated blinds to really look full, the right size is important. A tailor-made model is therefore recommended.

Photo: Astibuk/Shutterstock

Additionally seal your windowsin this wayab.

Roman blinds as an alternative to curtains against the cold

If you think about it, a roller blind could actually also be used as a curtain, but some people prefer it due to its simpler look. Despite their gathering function, they are equipped with an insulating material that provides the insulating properties you are looking for. The purpose of this type of roller blind is to combine functionality with aesthetics. The fit is also important in this case. Windows and/or doors must be completely covered by the material so that drafts cannot still enter the room through cracks.

Foto: Kwangmoozaa/ Shutterstock

This is important to ensure thermal insulation

  • As already mentioned a few times: the right size is important for effectiveness. Regardless of whether it is a blind or a curtain to protect against the cold, they must completely cover the window and door. This means that they should overhang a little and reach to the floor (for a door) or slightly beyond the window sill (for a window).
  • Classic curtain rods create open spaces between the wall and the curtain. Rails that are attached to the ceiling instead are a better solution here, if that is possible.
  • There are transparent thermal curtains, but you should keep in mind that opaque ones also provide better insulation. You have to decide for yourself where you want to compromise.
Photo: Astibuk/Shutterstock

Did you know that you can also get draft excluders in the form of pillowsvery easy to make yourselfcan?