For thousands of years, Finns have used saunas to relax, socialize and cleanse their bodies of pollutants. Imagine your own outdoor sauna, nestled between the fir trees in your garden. With the right lifestyle, it's no wonder that more and more people are investing in such a construction project. Building an outdoor sauna is surprisingly easy. Such a structure is essentially an insulated shed with an electric or gas or wood-fired heat source.
Build your own outdoor sauna
Building a finished structure takes an average of twenty hours, while acustom designneeded a few more weekends. Find a flat, somewhat secluded spot next to the house. Outdoor saunas provide the best ventilation, scenery and sustainability. Next, it's best to choose a solid structural plan for the sauna.
Installing an outdoor sauna with the help of professionals will likely cost you a fortune. You can also build an outdoor sauna on your own. However, an essential part of the sauna facility is the collection of various items required for the process. Knowing the materials needed will help you estimate the total cost of the outdoor sauna.
You can of course purchase materials such as nails from a local hardware store. Items like a hammer and rubber gloves are usually a must for every household. A saw is also usually easy to find, and a ladder will also be required for the actual installation process. Purchase accessories such as a hook to hang your clothes. Use an old desk or bench to sit on. This will further help you reduce costs. You will also need a drill to make the construction process even easier.
Eco-friendly options
There are many ways to make your homemade sauna more cost-effective and environmentally friendly. For example, you can use recycled cedar wood. Above all, use locally harvested cedar shingles for roofing. Local cedar is the best way to build an eco-friendly and mold-free sauna house. To achieve the ultimate green option, you can use an infrared heater instead of a wood, gas or electric heater. Infrared heaters take less time to warm up, use 90 percent less electricity and are more beneficial for the skin. Another option is to use an energy efficient wood stove.
After gathering supplies, it's time to put on your tool belt and get to work. First you can pour a concrete slab as a foundation. Next, use your recycled cedar to frame the walls and roof. Make sure not to exceed a ceiling height of 2 meters. Allow three ventilation points at the top, floor level and above the oven. Also build a small drain in the floor. Also, remember to recess and cover all nail heads as they conduct heat. Make sure you hire a licensed electrician to do the wiring. Check with your county to see if you also need a building permit.
Consider alternatives to reduce your costs
The size of the outdoor sauna logically affects the total price of the sauna cabin. Reduce the size depending on the number of people that will be accommodated in the sauna. Choose from different wood for building an outdoor sauna. It may shrink or change depending on the different heat fluctuations. Wood will also be able to prevent the occurrence of moisture. Buy it wholesale from suppliers with a good reputation.
The prices of the wood vary from market to market. Compare the different prices before you arrive when making a purchase decision. As mentioned above, cedar has a distinctive shape, while cheaper alternatives are also possible options if you want to significantly reduce costs.
Design and lighting in the outdoor sauna
Choose the design of the sauna according to your own taste, but it is best to get advice from professionals about your outdoor area. Browse through different magazines, choose the design instead of hiring the services of a designer. Appropriate lighting is necessary to highlight the interior of the room. Install the lights under the benches. This procedure is inexpensive and hassle-free.
Use whatever light bulbs or tubing you have available instead of purchasing new lighting fixtures. There are many factors you need to consider when deciding if you want to install an outdoor sauna. Some of these factors relate to specific types of sauna cabins, while other features help make an informed choice.
Common factors
All sauna cabins require a water supply. A sauna also requires water, which is used to generate steam. Users also need a fresh water source nearby so that they can keep cool through such activities before and after the sauna. There are many different ways to incorporate water into an outdoor sauna, although the addition of a permanent supply would be ideal.
You also need to operate a sauna so effectively that you can generate the heat you need. Infrared or electrical systems require a constant source of power. Interior space is also crucial, even if you are building a sauna for one person. Also consider the available installation space you will need for this. It's also worth noting that an outdoor sauna requires some type of drainage system.
Outdoor saunas at a glance
An outdoor sauna offers an escape from the regular confines of a home. You can build these to take full advantage of the local landscape and surroundings for attractive gardening. Building an outdoor sauna in the great outdoors also offers the opportunity to realize extraordinary projects in terms of design. Since building is not restricted by space limitations or other obstacles, the adventurers and DIY enthusiasts have a fantastic chance to spread their creative wings.
Venting is much easier in an outdoor sauna and installation can also double as a children's playroom or a small guest house. Built as an extension to the property, an outdoor sauna can also add significant value to a home. However, a four-wall building installation will be more difficult and a foundation will be required to ensure a stable unit. This adds further implications to a project because local building regulations and permits must be taken into account.
Water and electricity requirements will also be more difficult to install, although drainage issues will be much easier to resolve. For many, comfort will always prevail and the indoor sauna offers a great solution for those who demand simplicity. However, those with a creative edge and a need for variety will love the options that an outdoor sauna provides.