Working in the home office: 55 ideas for a feel-good atmosphere

Working from home has several advantages. If anything, anyone who spends their working hours in their home office should value functional and appropriate equipment. A feel-good atmosphere ensures a new quality in everyday working life and always brings better results. In this article we have collected 55 great ideas for home offices and offer you to be inspired by them.

Allow yourself the luxury of feeling comfortable in the appropriate working atmosphere. If you want to set up a separate room as a study, you should keep the ergonomic aspects of the design in mind.

Ergonomics in the workplace: Where should the desk be placed?

It's best that he shouldDesk for workbe placed so that the incident light does not cast a shadow on the writing surface. To avoid strong light reflections and differences in brightness, it is advisable to place screens parallel to the window. This guarantees that you can work in your home office with as little glare as possible. In addition, curtains, blinds and Roman blinds can help. An important tip: The top edge of the screen should never be higher than eye level. A laptop instead of a desktop PC guarantees you the flexibility you need.

Home study: Treat yourself to high-quality work furniture!

A good work chair is not a luxury. When choosing a work chair, you should make sure that it allows you to sit in a posture that is appropriate for your body - it must ideally be height-adjustable and allow you to change position comfortably. The height of the back support should also be adjustable. Swivel chairs with armrests on wheels are popular, but these are not suitable for carpeted floors.

Tips for arranging work utensils

Order and clarity are extremely important in the workplace. Frequently used writing materials or work tools should be placed within easy reach - filing systems and folders should also be placed so that they are easily accessible. Items that distract from working and studying or items that are used less frequently can be stored further away.

How important are decorations in the workplace?

Decorations have a positiveInfluence on the mood!Personal items not only make the workplace more comfortable, but can also help increase motivation at work. Vacation pictures with your favorite people make you want to get active!