If you want to bring a breath of fresh air into your living room interior, modern murals are always a good idea. The wall behind the sofa is particularly suitable for special design. A unique piece of art or a picture gallery above the couch can become the focal point of the room and beautifully complement the existing decor. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind so that everything looks harmonious. In today's article you will find out how high a picture should hang above the sofa and what distance between the pictures is recommended when hanging in groups.
How high should a picture hang above the sofa?
As a rule, the lower side of the frame should hang 15 to 20 cm above the backrest of the sofa. Of course, you can also deviate from this rule slightly to find out which height is perfect for your home. However, avoid positioning the image more than a few centimeters above the recommended height. If you hang your artwork too high, it will appear as if it is floating away from the couch instead of being visually connected to it.
How big should the artwork be?
The sofa and the wall art hanging above it should complement each other to create a unified look. To create visual balance, the mural (or group) should take up at least 2/3 of the length of the sofa. The pictures should not be wider than the couch, otherwise the sofa will appear visually overwhelming and not put in the spotlight.
Do you have an XXL sofa? The best way to achieve the required size is to put together a gallery wall. The distance between the individual frames should be 5 to 10 cm.Use painter's tapeto keep the distance between the frames even. Frames that are too far apart appear disjointed and placed chaotically.
Picturesprint in individual format
AGallery Printoffers a lot of scope for individual room design. The art print will be created in the format of your choice and in the size you specify. If you want to hang a single picture above the sofa, a width of 100 cm or more is ideal. The image format of 120 x 80 cm would be optimal over a 3-seater sofa. Alternatively, you can create a collage of several images of different sizes, positioning the most expressive image in the middle of the group. Make templates out of cardboard and lay them out on the floor in advance in the desired arrangement. This is how you find out which image sizes you need for your collage.
If the desired motif is printed on acrylic glass, the question also arises: matt or glossy? Matt acrylic glass is subtle and reserved - glossy acrylic glass shines with a crystal clear finish.
Digital printing with glossy acrylic glass is perfect for colorful images such as Carnival in Rio or summer in Santorini. The vibrant colors are highlighted and the impression of depth is enhanced. Landscapes, skylines or macro shots of flowers, insects etc. – everything can and should benefit from the shiny surface. Improved color vibrancy and depth of field makes the viewer feel part of the art, as if the object is close enough to touch.
However, some images need to be presented with reserved clarity. Matt acrylic glass is particularly suitable for low-contrast colors, pastel pictures or black and white pictures with a high proportion of black. Depth of field, color brilliance and contrasts remain the same under matt acrylic glass. Glossy surfaces can also catch reflections from a window or skylight, which can affect the image itself. Matt acrylic glass absorbs the light and prevents itdisturbing reflections, regardless of the viewing angle.