No matter whether it is a fire bowl in the garden, a Swedish stove in the kitchen or a fireplace clad in natural stone - fire ensures a warm and cozy atmosphere in the autumn and winter monthsEnvironment. But you can only really enjoy it if the firewood is dry and within reach. If you want to store your firewood, you have several options - a wire basket, a firewood cart or a wooden rack are ideal for this. We show you 50 stylish ideas for storage space in the living room and in the garden.
Storing firewood – fireplace with wood compartment in the living room
The easiest way to store firewood is in a specially designed wood compartment next to the fireplace. Depending on the size of the room and the space available, this can also be belowFireplacecondition. Special shelves offer the opportunity to store the stacked firewood stylishly and clearly. The natural material becomes an accent in the living room. In addition, it is always within reach and can dry out in a warm room. And as we all know, dry wood doesn’t mold. The rule of thumb is to always provide an air gap. Alternatively, the wood can also be stored in a wire basket, but this essentially offers less storage space than wall shelving systems and wooden compartments.
Store firewood and stack it correctly
If you diligently stack your firewood in the spring, you will probably notice that it dries out completely by winter. The tree trunks are usually split into triangular pieces. Otherwise, the bark can slow down the process. The wood is then stacked - it is important that nothing stops the air circulation. This means - always leave a distance of at least 8 centimeters between the wall and the wood, never store wood in drawers or cover it with airtight materials. If you want to store your firewood outdoors, the space under the canopy is very suitable for this. Stack the wood on an airy surface and avoid direct contact with the ground. The storage area should be protected from rain and dry. Never cover the stack of wood with a covering film as the wood cannot dry. Correct storage and the type of wood determine whether the wood smokes, stinks or crackles when burned. For optimal heating value, firewood must be air-dry and have a maximum of 18% residual moisture.
Store firewood in specially designed concrete wooden compartments
Large amounts of wood are usually stored in the basement or garden. If you need smaller amounts of wood or want to present the firewood in style, you can store it in the living room. In this case, you not only always have a sufficient amount of wood within easy reach, but the ambience of the room is immediately influenced. The stacked firewood creates a rustic, natural flair and brings comfort to your living room. There are many ways to store firewood in the living room and thereby visually enhance the room. The storage baskets, for example, can be found in different designs. You can choose the models depending on your taste and furnishing style. Some of them provide a traditional flair, while others impress with a modern design or lavish decorations.
Storing firewood - living room in a modern country house style with a fireplace and two concrete compartments
In stores you can get rattan baskets, textile baskets as well as modern felt and wooden swings. The textile fireplace baskets can also be easily pushed back and forth without damaging the floor covering. These can also be used to store kindling and other supplies. Another option for storing firewood is the wooden carts, which are attractive and practical at the same time. They can be adjusted as desired.
Storing firewood – the fireplace serves as a room divider in the spacious living area
The stacking aids, which are easy to assemble, are also very practical. They can also be easily dismantled and stored to save space. These storage systems consist of two L-shaped metal tubes that are connected to each other. The storage aids enable the safe and stable stacking of firewood. You can also build a similar wooden shelf yourself with a little craftsmanship. You can use water pipes for the construction, which add great decorative accents to the room. The mix of materials creates a great effect and brings a rustic charm.
Living room with stacked firewood right next to the fireplace
You can also store the firewood in special, suitable niches. Vertical storage right next to the fireplace saves a lot of space and makes the walls look more lively. The firewood doesn't get in the way and you can store larger amounts of wood. If you have such a wall niche in your living room, you can make optimal use of the often unused space. If you have chosen wood as a material for your living room furnishings, you can also store the firewood horizontally next to the fireplace. In combination with a warm parquet floor and other wooden elements, a firewood rack fits well into the overall interior design.
Country house-style living room with wall shelves and a wooden shelf next to the corner fireplace
If you are striving for a minimalist and modern atmosphere in the living area, a simple, free-standing fireplace with an integrated niche underneath for wood storage is the right choice for you. Depending on the space, you can also store the firewood behind the fireplace. You always have the firewood at hand and the fireplace comes to the fore. The result is a modern and attractive home design. If you don't have a wall niche in the living room, you can use ordinary box furniture. The wood can also be stacked very well there.
Storing firewood – modern living room with firewood shelves
When you use a metal cabinet, the great mix of materials adds warmth and elegance. If you would like to use the firewood more decoratively in the room, an old leather bag for storing firewood is also very suitable. A single decoration for your living area are small bundles of wood tied with leather belts. You can also store firewood directly on the wall. There are special round shelves for this that present the wood in an original way.
You can also store stacked firewood in the garden