Hang a flat screen TV on the wall and have it framed – 15 ideas

A wall-mounted flat screen TV is a delight for the eyes as it creates an aesthetic ambience in any room.Unsightly cablesdisappear into the wall and bulky TV furniture becomes unnecessary. If you are true perfectionists, then you can make your TV a work of art. Who hisFlat screen TV on the wallIf you want to hang it up, you can also consider this idea - for a frame in which the television fits and all unsightly cables are hidden. In this way, the TV will blend perfectly into the surroundings.

You can either make one yourselfPicture frame for your televisionBuild it yourself, or order an individually manufactured TV frame. The frame is mounted securely and leaves no residue on the TV.

Hang a flat screen TV on the wall and hide cables

Not only are all the cables hidden in the frame, but also the wall bracket with which the television is attached to the wall. The white wall color creates a beautiful backdrop for the brown living room furniture.

Large wall panels in white

Mounting the flat screen TV on the wall increases safety because there is no chance of small children and pets accidentally knocking over or bumping into the device. This small living room also appears much larger because no special TV furniture is necessary.

black wall panels frame the television

You can also choose a high-contrast color such as black for the wall panels that frame the television. The white wall color creates an airy atmosphere, while the black frame accentuates the television.

LED strip between two panels

Indirect lighting is a good way to create interesting effects in the room. LED strips can not only be integrated behind a suspended ceiling, but can also illuminate the television from behind. The larger plate also has a nice texture that is beautifully accentuated by the lighting.

Box instead of just picture frames

Freely adjustable wall mounts offer maximum flexibility and can be freely floated, rotated and tilted. The yellow painted MDF box is a nice touch of color and looks modern and playful at the same time.

Everything is hidden in the box

Glossy surfaces are very popular in modern interiors. In this living room, the white TV frame contrasts with the beige striped walls.

Flat screen TV with metallic picture frame

The metallic shine always looks elegant and chic. Instead of a picture frame made of solid wood, choose one made of metal.

Thanks to the frame, the television blends seamlessly into the surroundings

If you want to furnish your living room in an authentic oriental or Japanese style, modern technology and devices such as a flat-screen television would disrupt the overall picture. With such a television frame, the television can be harmoniously integrated into any environment.

Install a television in the wall

The flatter the TV, the better for looking like a picture on the wall. It can also be adapted to fit into a niche on the wall.

Country style bedroom

The style and material of the television frame should be coordinated with the furnishing style. For this country-looking bedroom, for example, a picture frame made of solid wood was selected.

Space-saving solution for small rooms

You can arrange various decorations and store books on the console table under the TV.

Television becomes a work of art

It would be good if the TV frame coordinates with other architectural elements in the room such as window frames, door frames and fireplace surrounds.

Wooden frame in a shabby look

Natural materials were used to create this winter garden - natural fiber carpet, stone fireplace surround, rattan furniture, coffee table and wooden television frame.