Because of warning color: pomegranate-red is now the most beautiful make-up trend

AFollow the next - but only a few get stuck permanently. Which look in spring 2025 and beyond is really enthusiastic isPomegranate-red. On social media-especially on Tikok-the color beats as a pomegranate make-up trend waves. And for good reason: With just a few simple steps you create a look that looks like you have invested a lot of time. He succeeds in just a few minutes.

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Ashi Studio Haute Couture spring/summer 2025

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Hui spring/summer 2025

Beauty trend pomegranate make-up: red is the most beautiful color for spring 2025

Inspired by the rich, seductive color palette of the pomegranate, theMake-up-TrendThe runways of the Fashion Week conquers and promises to become the next big favorite. Pomegranate make-up could be seen there in a wide variety of variants: whether asAt HUI, in the form of eyeshadow at Ashi Studio, used on the lips on Versace or Monochrome, such as Murad, the strong pomegranate nuance is always a highlight that immediately catches the eye. The lush red tone itself can vary, but it is important that it radiates elegance and freshness at the same time.

Regardless of which game you want to emphasize with the fruity shade, the great advantage onGranatapfel-Make-upis that he flatters all skin tones without exception. And not just in the shows of the designers! The look also cuts a good figure in everyday life.

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Murad Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2025

Foto: Launchmetrics SpotlightSM

Versace Spring/Summer 2025

Pomegranate make-up: So Easy you put on the beauty trend

If you want to give your look with make-up in pomegranate nuances, you should consider a few things. The most important thing is that youWell prepared to have a natural and radiant basis on which the bright color comes into its own. Because: If you set a red statement, you should keep in mind that you attract attention! A foundation or aCreates an even complexion, while a highlighter on the cheekbones, the bridge of the nose and the anorbogen reinforces the fresh look.

If the decision is made on a pomegranate -red lipstick, treat the lips with a peel before applying to remove dead skin cells and thus enable an even finish that lasts for a long time without breaking off. Lipbalm is taboo, but can be worked with a lip primer or lip liner in order to extend the durability of the trend.

Of course it can beMake-up-TrendCombine with mascara and Co. However, we recommend that we let the pomegranate-red speak for themselves. Otherwise, the look seems to be overloaded quickly and the red does not look cool, but too much.

Shopping suitable products for make-up trend here: