Are you pregnant and expecting a daughter? How nice! Then you're probably busy going through all sorts of name books to find a suitable name for a girl. There are of course many beautiful girls' names. It's not easy to find THE perfect first name that will accompany your little princess throughout her life.
Don't worry: in oursyou are guaranteed to find the right thing. You can design your search according to your own personal criteria: original or classic, long or short names for girls, first names that have a specific first letter, a specific number of letters, double names or unisex names, baby names with special meanings and many, many more …
Since you landed right here, we already know that you are looking for the shortest possible name for a girl. So make yourself comfortable and maybe you will find the right one for your daughter among the girl names with only 4 letters.
Popular short girl names
You haven't found THE perfect first name for your little daughter yet, but you know that only short first names are suitable for you? What luck, because there are wonderfully feminine names with just 3 or 4 letters. For years, the most popular girls' names have included Emma, Mia, Paula, Anna and Marie, all of which only contain 3 or 4 letters.
Are you looking for a more original first name for your baby that perhaps has a special first letter? Then we have a few nice suggestions here: How about Enna, Lia, or Mine, Nele, Fenja or Bente?
Short girl names with just one syllable
Even monosyllabic girl names can be very sonorous. Lynn, Lou, Fay, Joy, Ley, for example, sound wonderfully feminine and warm.
Above all, we have the English-speaking world to thank for some short 1-syllable girls' names whose number of letters is kept to a minimum, for example Kate, Kim or Jane, Beth, Liz or Jill. Some of these are short forms of originally longer first names.
Short girl names: pet names and short forms
In general, there are numerous beautiful short or pet forms of classic girls' names: Ina (short form of Katharina), Lena or Ela (for Magdalena or Helena), Lina (Carolina), Greta (Margareta), Elsa (Elisabeth) or Dora (Dorothea). The short form of a name is often a good compromise if the parents cannot agree on the length of the first name.
Practical tips for finding the right girl name
Can't decide between 2 or even 3 girls' names? Then find out about the meaning and origin of the first names! You should definitely do this if your name has its origins in another language or culture.
When choosing a name, also take into account that the first and last name should match: especially with short girls' names, you should write down the possible first name(s) with the last name and say them out loud. Do first and last names sound harmonious together?
For example, if you have a one-syllable last name, choosing a short female name may sound a bit harsh (Kim Koch or Tess Schmidt). Our tip: Why not choose a double name to make the overall picture more harmonious (Kim-Marie, for example)?
There are countless, beautiful, short girls' names. All you have to do is find THE baby name that suits your little angel and that both parents like. Our first name list will be a valuable help in mastering this difficult task!
The most beautiful first names
Abby, Adla, Afra, Aida, Alba, Alea, Alia, Alma, Alva, Aman, Anis, Anja, Anke, Anna, Anne, Anni, Arda, Aria, Aris, Arya, Asta, Ayla, Ayse, Beat, Bene, Bodo, Cara, Clea, Cleo, Coco, Cora, Cord, Dana, Dawn, Dima, Dina, Dora, Ebru, Edda, Eden, Eike, Ekta, Elea, Elif, Alice, Elke, Elma, Elsa, Elun, Emma, Emmy, Emmy, Enja, Enva, Enya, Erin, Ezra, Eva, Even, Faye, Fida, Fina, Fine, Gadi, Gesa, Gina, Grit, Hana, Heda, Hedi, Hope, Ilay, Ilja, Ilka, Iman, Ines, Inga, Inka, Insa, Iris, Irma, Iven, Jana, Jane, Jano, Jara, Jean, Jill, Joan, Jola, Jona, Jost, Jule, June, June, Juno, Kaja, Kara, Keno, Kiki, Kira, Lale, Lana, Lara, Léa, Leah, Leda, Lena, Leni, Lila, Lilo, Lily, Lina, Linn, Lisa, Liva, Lore, Luan, Luca, Lucy, Luna, Lynn, Maja, Mala, Mali, Malu, Mara, Mari, Maxi, Maya, Mera, Meta, Mila, Mimi, Miro, Mona, Naim, Nala, Nela, Nela, Nell, Nena, Nero, Nika, Nina, Nisa, Noah, Noha, Nola, Nour, Nova, Nura, Olga, Pila, Pina, King, Rana, Rena, Rene, Resi, Rita, Roda, Rosa, Roya, Ruby, Runa, Ruth, Said, Sana, Sara, Sari, Seda, Sera, Sian, Sina, Siri, Svea, Taja, Tian, Tika, Tila, Tino, Tizi, Tony, Vada, Vaya, Vega, Veit, Vera, Yael, Yara, Yuna, Zada, Zara, Zera, Zoe, Zoe, Zoey, Zola, Zora
The most important thing when choosing a name
If you and your partner particularly like a name and think it is the perfect companion for your child, then don't let anyone talk you into it. Friends, relatives and acquaintances often try to talk you out of a first name if they don't know it or if it sounds strange because of its origins.
Suitable for:
But honestly: you are the parents, you decide! You'll make it even easier if you don't have the name in there at allbetrayed, but wait until your baby is born. We promise: Nobody will then express even the slightest doubt about the name.