Unperfect Eyebrows: So unconventional we wear our eyebrows 2025

Perfectly shaped and flawlessly drawnYou still see, but they become less. At least this impression arises when you look at the models of the current spring/summer collections of well-known designers. Where there was once no hair too much, you have more and more natural eyebrows today.

In such a natural way, that isolated hair can also stay in places where she would have plucked immediately. How much character these eyebrowscan give, and what matters with the look, you will find out below.

This is how the imperfect looks perfect eyebrows now

In the past, "of course" was particularly possible, which was naturally without a flaw. Only: to leave perfectly grown eyebrows, curved lips or an even complexion without make -up and as unchanged as possible is much easier than standing, which may not correspond to the ideals of beauty defined by society. For example, which does not look poreless (which is hardly possible anyway, because everyone has pores), or lips that are rather narrow than full, and eyebrows that grow fine and not full and complete.

Foto: Launchmetrics SpotlightSM

Shizatzy Chen spring/summer 2025

Foto: Launchmetrics SpotlightSM

Stella McCartney spring/summer 2025

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During the presentation of this year's spring/summer collections, numerous models with brows that do not correspond to the norm could be seen. The gaps that grow crisscrossed, which are bushy or very fine. Instead of bringing the eyebrows into a shapeIt was apparently just as they are as they are in 2025. Imperfect perfect.

Foto: Launchmetrics SpotlightSM

Niccolated Pasds fruongr / Sommer 2025

Foto: Launchmetrics SpotlightSM

Stella McCartney spring/summer 2025

How eyebrows appear on the face when you don't perfected them

The function of the eyebrows is mainly due to theto protect from dirt and sweat. Very smart from nature! Visually speaking, eyebrows give the face character and they underline its shape and proportion.

By changing the natural eyebrow shape, you can adapt the expression of the face - and make it appear more striking, for example. It may initially be unusual not to pluck or shape the eyebrows anymore. From my own experience, I also know that it takes a while for the brows to be fully grown back to their natural state. I personally find it exciting to see how the eyebrows - and the face - then look.

So you care and style natural eyebrows

Just because you are hisOf course, lets grow, that does not mean that you shouldn't care for them. Great for the imperfect eyebrow look is an eyebrow gel or serum that supports natural growth and strengthens the fine hair. As a result, the finish of the beauty look looks like you want it: wanted and not careless.

Products to maintain the eyebrows:

If you like, you can also brush the eyebrows subtly with a special gel in shape. In order to emphasize and intensify the natural color of the eyebrows, you can optionally have a filler withApply. The color should correspond to the original tone of the brows so that the result looks harmonious and not too hard. And: better work less product than too much incorporated and remove excess color with a cosmetic stick.

The eyebrows are visually subtly form and refill: