You will be taken part of your body. And so prevents you from ever being able to live a lustful and fulfilling sexuality in your life. It happens against their will, often without anesthesia or aftercare. And then this violation of human rights is also downplayed as a tradition. Today, on the international day against female genital mutilation, the fate is to be made aware of the fate of all these girls and women who have experienced a genital mutilation.
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Genital mutilation: FGM - a growing problem
Female genital mutilation, also referred to as female genital curve or FGM/C (female genital mutilation/cutting), is a very painful and traumatizing practice in many countries. According to the UNICEF, more than 230 million of the girls and women living today survived a genital mutilation. However, the number of unreported cases could be even higher. Because like most forms of gender -specific violence, it takes place in secret.
The problem seems to grow more and more: In Germany, the number of victims of female genital mutilation has increased by 40 percent since 2017. This has shown an investigation by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs. According to the women's rights organization Terre des Femmes, more than 17,000 girls are potentially at risk. This is despite the fact that the mutilation of female genitals in Germany is punishable according to §226a StGB.
Suppress sexuality of women
Most girls are under 15 years old. Girls and women who survive, for example, wear scars, cysts, abscesses and other tissue damage, have increased susceptibility to infections, trauma or infertility. Those affected can have difficulties and pain in menstruation throughout their lives, but also when urinating and sex.
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We can only combat such outdated patriarchal role ideas by clarifying. That is why the Nigerian First Lady Stella Obasanjo launched the international day against genital mutilation in 2003. On February 6, the fates of the many women are to be made aware of the fates of the many women who have become the victims of a genital mutilation or who are still threatened with this terrible fate.
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UN General Secretary António Guterres also said on the occasion of this year's day of action: “The mutilation of female genitals is one of the most brutal forms of inequality between the sexes and leads to serious, lifelong physical and psychological damage, life-threatening health risks and violates the rights of women and girls Physical autonomy, security and dignity. "It is therefore important to" reduce harmful settings, beliefs and gender -specific role clichés ".