Caution! 3 expected in wintera profound change in the relationship. The astrological reason for this: Pluto, the planet of deep change and transformation. WhichZodiac signNow you should be ready for a change in love and who it isCaught positively or negatively, you can see in the video.
These zodiac signs experience a big change in love in winter...
Leo zodiac sign:Lions suddenly have to learn to give up control in winter. This is particularly difficult for the fire sign. But if you want to save your relationship, you now have to let your partner take your relationship into the next phase.Zodiac sign Libra:Libras intensify their relationship in winter. The soulful air sign experiences a key moment with the partner. After this hurdle has been overcome, you can start planning your future together.Capricorn zodiac sign:What a dilemma! In winter it becomes clear to Capricorns that they cannot find a compromise with their partner on an important point. This creates tension and the big question of whether either of you will ever back down.
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