Analysis: Romantic relationships are more important for men than for women

    Women love romance and kitschy love stories, are constantly looking for a relationship and need a male protector by nature. Men, on the other hand, are less likely to be on solid ties. Of course, these have long been outdated clichés. But if you look at some love films and series or overflow discussions in the circle of friends, these prejudices seem to keep persistent. But thanks to a current analysis, it has now been scientifically proven: this is all nonsense.

    An international research team has analyzed more than 50 studies from the past 20 years on heterosexual partnerships. And the results refute widespread. Because apparently romantic relationships for men are even more important than for women. On the one hand because men benefit more from firm partnerships and on the other hand because they suffer from loneliness more often than women after a separation.

    Men suffer more with separation

    "Men are apparently more focused on making solid relationships," explains the scientist Iris Wahring from the Humboldt University Berlin, who led the study. For example, 61 percent of single men stated in a current US study that they are currently looking for a partnership. With the single women, only 38 percent were looking for partners.

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    According to the analysis, men fall in love faster and more often. And it is worth it for you, explains Wahring: “Relationships have a more positive effect on well -being and health in men than in women. Even the life expectancy of men depends more on whether they live in a steady relationship than is the case in women. ”Men seem secretly to know that: If a couple separates, the man is less likely to be the driving force . While women often try, the positive sides at the end of theOn average, the men would suffer significantly more.

    Partner as emotional support

    All of this has to do with the social structures in which men and women live: women often build up a safety network of emotional support in which they can drop after a separation. But even during the relationship, it is much more normal for women to share their problems with family and friends.

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    This safety net is often missing. On average, they have significantly fewer people in their lives, to whom they can open up and from whom they are emotionally supported. They are "more dependent on their permanent partner to meet their emotional needs," explains Wahring. However, if you don't have a partner, it can have negative consequences for health and well -being in the long term.

    Gender standards make men dependent

    The analysis is once again the perfect proof that men also suffer from patriarchy. Because of course it is not in the "nature" of men that they cannot show friends about feelings. Rather, old roles and gender stereotypes are to blame: "Even small children experience these standards, according to which it is much more common and appropriate for girls than to share for boys, emotions and vigorously," explains the co-author of the analysis, Paul van Long from the Vrije Universityitait Amsterdam. These patterns continue in adulthood.