That's what makes you fall asleep... How we can finally dream better again

    How rested do you feel right now? If your answer is somewhere between “It works” and “Not at all,” you are not alone. 43 percent of Germans struggle with sleep problems. An alarming value when you consider the consequences: migraines, high blood pressure, difficulty concentrating, memory problems and even serious illnesses such as diabetes can result from a lack of sleep.

    But what really helps? There is tons of advice for better, but we've discovered some unusual approaches that are easy to implement and fit effortlessly into your everyday life.

    Happy Hours

    Start counting the hours before you go to bed. If you prepare properly, you will be more likely to be more relaxed. The “Happy Hours” start around 5 p.m. and have nothing to do with cheap cocktails. According to Dr. For Carolin Marx-Dick, psychotherapist and sleep health expert, these hours are crucial: “Fill the time before bed with calming and pleasant activities. This promotes relaxation and prepares the body for a restful night.”

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    Goodbye chips and chocolate! Instead, cashews and pistachios might be a better choice. Cashews contain tryptophan, which is converted in the body into serotonin - our happiness hormone. Serotonin relaxes and promotes sleep. Pistachios, in turn, contain melatonin, the hormone that controls our sleep-wake cycle.

    The 17 minute window

    Have you ever noticed that you are suddenly tired, but then start the new episode of your series - and promptly become wide awake again? Sleep expert Markus Kamps explains that we are often only really tired for around 17 minutes. If we miss this window, it will take about 90 minutes to get backcan. So when your eyes get heavy, it's time to take advantage of the time and go to bed.

    Arrive in bed

    If you can no longer see your hand in front of your eyes, you have perfect sleeping conditions! Darkness stimulates the production of melatonin. That makes us tired. A sleep mask or thick curtains can work wonders here. And: A diffuser with lavender oil provides additional relaxation. Simply turn it on 30 minutes before bed.

    Weighted blankets

    Weighted blankets are more than just a trend: they activate what is known as “deep touch pressure” and promote the production of serotonin and melatonin while reducing stress hormones such as cortisol. The blanket mimics the feeling of a warm hug and can therefore not only improve sleep but also general well-being.

    Stop the thought carousel

    For some people, journaling or writing a diary is part of their evening routine. But even if that's not your thing, it's worth putting a piece of paper and pen next to the bed. That doesn't mean you have to reflect on your day every evening or fill entire pages. It's more of a kind of emergency kit. If the carousel of thoughts gets too wild and you keep thinking about the same topics, it can help to write these things down. This transfers the thoughts from your head to the paper and lets them wait there in a relaxed manner until the next morning. Please do not take your cell phone because the blue light can inhibit the release of melatonin and thus make you awake again.

    Tricking yourself

    ... This is called paradoxical intervention. It sounds complicated, but it is simple. Sleep coach Anja Mönnich recommends simply tricking yourself by convincing yourself that you want to stay awake instead of obsessively trying to fall asleep. This takes the pressure off, relaxes you and helps you fall asleep. Even if you wake up at night, you should not look at the clock. This creates stress like “Oh no, only 1.5 hours of sleep left!? I have to fall asleep right now to make it worth it!”.

    Sleeping on the go

    Many people find it difficult to sleep well, especially in hotels. Markus Kamps also has a few tips to go for this:

    1. Take with you a scent that reminds you of home. “Just take your own pillowcase. The familiar smell ensures well-being," recommends the expert.
    2. Photos or other souvenirs from home help you feel more familiar in a foreign environment and therefore feel more secure.
    3. Even if you are traveling alone, it is worth booking a double room with two beds. It has been proven that the bed that is closer to the television is usually more sagging. So it's better to use the other one to sleep.

    Now it's time: good night and sweet dreams!

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