Weekly horoscope from March 10th to 16th, 2025: Most of the love luck have this zodiac sign

In love it didn't really work out recently? With long -term singles, frustration possibly prevailed over the "hopeless" situation and even led to fight with conflicts and disagreements in the partnership at one point or two. But good news: that changes in the week ofMarch 10, 2025abrupt! Not only does he knockslowly and gaveFeelings of happiness, also one or the other promising planetary constellations gives heart patties and love happiness. Is herincluded? The horoscope reveals it!

These zodiac signs have the best love opportunities from March 10th - according to the horoscope

1. Löwe zodiac sign

The prospects for the new week? Dazzling! The only planet that stands in the critical aspect of your sign is Pluto - but you don't even notice that! As well as if they are too distracted by all of themgreat opportunities and encountersare that Jupiter, Merkur and Venus send them into them. If you have been wanting to confess your feelings for a long time, that's the ideal week for it. Thanks to the lucky energy that the planets give them, they get what they want - and not only in the job, but also in relationship aspects. Couples are particularly enthusiastic this week and share many new experiences with each other, which therefresh.

2. Libra zodiac sign

Spring feelings? Finally become a reality! Because Merkur meets with Venus in her partner house and thus sets the course for. Important: go out and mix among people - if the friends shouldn't have time, then alone. Thanks to yoursmagnetic charismaNow captivate everyone. Promising dates and sparkling hours are waiting. Thanks to the strong Venus influence, sleepy relationships also live up again.

3. Soda sign Sagittarius

If there is something like a "favorite child" of the stars this week, then they are definitely, dear shooter. The sympathy only fly to them so that nobody can refuse a wish. They may notice someone who is immediately fascinated by their unique charm and adventurous aura. What asromantic flirtStarts, more could soon develop into more. Protect that are already in firm hands can be openedLoosen and finally pull back with the loved one.