Immune system, bones, muscles: This is the role that vitamin D plays in the development of our children

When the days get shorter, the leaves turn colorful and the autumn wind blows through the streets, not only does the cozy season begin for many families, but also the time of colds and flu infections. Especially now that children are spending more time indoors again and their immune systems are being put to the test, an often underestimated helper is coming into focus: vitamin D. And it can do a lot more than "just" strengthening the immune system...

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a real all-rounder. The Swiss army knife for the body, so to speak? Versatile and always there when you need it! Vitamin D is essential for theBuilding and maintaining healthy muscles, by helping the body absorb calcium from food and direct it into the muscle fibers. And also forbones and teethVitamin D plays an important role by supporting calcium processing. But the most important thing, especially in autumn and winter, is the influence of vitamin D on our immune system: If there is sufficient supply, vitamin D contributes to anormal function of the body's protective shieldand thus improves our defense system. A well-functioning immune system, in turn, helps ward off infections and ensures that we and our children stay healthy: especially at a time when we are spending more time indoors again and waves of colds are spreading.

How do we get vitamin D?

In contrast to other vitamins, our body can produce vitamin D itself. The body's own production of vitamin D in the skin actually only requires sufficient exposure to the sun, which is why it is also referred to as the "sun vitamin".The problem:In our latitudes, the sun between October and March is not strong enough for the necessary self-synthesis of vitamin D. The vitamin D budget can only be filled to a limited extent through diet: there are few good sources of vitamin D, and they can be met even with frequent consumption they only provide a fraction of the daily vitamin D requirement. But there are simple ones? and delicious? Ways to avoid undersupply even in the winter months:

This means you can cover your daily vitamin D requirements and those of your children in no time

If diet and sun are not enough, the vitamin D supply must be secured in other ways. Careful supplementation in vitamin D preparations helps: for example in the form ofDecristolvit soft gums. Orange taste, no sugar and purely plant-based: Vitamin D tastes so good! The soft rubbers are suitable for the whole family:For children aged 3 and over, one soft rubber is enough to cover their daily vitamin D requirement; adults take 2 soft rubbers.Thanks to the candy-like shape and delicious taste, children don't have the feeling of having to take medicine; the small snacks can be easily integrated into everyday life. and vitamin supply becomes (delicious!) child's play!

What happens if there is a vitamin D deficiency?

Tiredness, exhaustion, low mood? Undersupply can have many facets. The immune system is weakened and the risk of illness can increase. Whether there is a deficiency or an undersupply can be determined with a blood test by the doctor. The KiGGS study¹ (Child and Adolescent Health in Germany) by the Robert Koch Institute shows that, especially in children, vitamin D supply decreases with increasing age: among 11-13 year olds, less than half of children have an adequate supply. This is mainly due to the body's inhibited production of vitamin D in the autumn and winter months: in this country, solar radiation is only sufficient for this from March to October. So they will help, especially in the coming monthsDecristolvit soft gumsas an uncomplicated and delicious solution for vitamin D supply that you no longer have to worry about. Of course, staying outdoors is still essential.