The scarf is an essential accessory in the cold winter. It warms your neck, ears and décolleté and looks super stylish too. But: Not all scarves are the same! The trendy winter accessory can be tied in a variety of ways. Here are our eight favorites:
1. Tying technique for winter scarves: The loop
The sling is a timeless classic. Not only is it quick to make, but it works well with almost any scarf and looks really stylish too. Simply wrap the scarf twice around your neck and pull the two ends of the scarf through the loop created.
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2. Tying technique for winter scarves: The hood
On rainy, uncomfortable days when we forget our umbrella at home, we can also use our scarf to keep ourselves dry. Simply place the scarf over your head and throw one end over your shoulder. This creates a protective hood.
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3. Tying technique for winter scarves: The knot
Do you wear your scarf indoors, but the ends of the scarf keep hanging in the way? You can avoid this by wrapping your scarf once around your neck and knotting the two ends of the scarf at the front. In addition, the knot at the front is a cool alternative that looks casual and modern.
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4. Tying technique for winter scarves: Double loop
If the classic noose is too boring for you, you should try this wrapping technique: wrap the scarf twice around your neck. Instead of pulling both ends of the scarf through the loop, only take one end. Then turn the loop over and pull the other end through the loop.
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5. Tying technique for winter scarves: The ruff
The colder it is outside, the tighter the scarf should be tied around the neck. Therefore, wrap the scarf around your neck as often as possible until two short ends remain. You can either simply leave these hanging or hide them in the noose around your neck. By the way, this works best with thinner and less wide scarves because then there isn't too much material in the way.
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6. Tying technique for winter scarves: The classic
Stylish and quite simple is the classic way to wear a scarf. To do this, simply wrap the scarf around your neck and let the two ends hang down at the front.
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7. Don't tie at all
Do you like to tie your winter coat at the waist with a belt? Then style your scarf this way: Place the scarf around your neck and simply let the ends hang forward. Simply tie the two ends at the waist with the belt - this looks elegant and modern at the same time.
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Tip: If you prefer the classic version, you can also add a little twist here and instead of leaving both ends of the scarf at the front, throw one back over your shoulder.
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8. Wear as a cape
Another beautiful and creative way to wear the scarf in autumn and winter is to wear it as a cape over the jacket or coat. To do this, take a large scarf, place it over your shoulders and upper body and throw the end over it, done. Not only does it look stylish, but it also keeps you nice and warm!
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