Olive oil in the test: These discount brands fail Stiftung Warentest!

    Hardly any food is as versatile and popular asOlive oil.Whether for crispy ones, Mediterranean classics or for gentle frying - the golden liquid has become an indispensable part of the kitchen. But olive oil is not only a flavor carrier, but also a piece of history: it has been produced and refined in the eastern Mediterranean for over 8,000 years.

    In stores, the selection ranges from cheap to expensive varieties, but the price often says little about the quality. High-quality olive oil impresses with its added health value: it containsplenty of antioxidants such as vitamin E, polyphenols and a balanced ratio of omega fatty acids, which can have a positive effect on the heart, brain and blood lipid levels. But how do you recognize an olive oil that does what it promises? Here they aremost important criteria.

    Recognizing good olive oil: You should pay attention to these things

    1. You can recognize good olive oil by its name

    When purchasing, make sure that the additive"Extra Native"or the Italian equivalent “Extra Vergine” (means the same thing) is written on the bottle. While highly refined olive oils lose their positive properties, the natural extra virgin oil is treated particularly gently. During the processing process, the temperature must not exceed 27 degrees. This ensures that the goodNutrient profile is maintained.And we can therefore benefit from the valuable micronutrients when we consume them.

    But does that mean that the olive oil cannot be heated? Absolutely not! It can be used for frying, but the temperature should be the samedo not exceed 175 degrees. Otherwise acrylamide is formed, which is considered carcinogenic. You can be on the safe side if you use the olive oil for salad dressings or drizzle it over the dish after cooking as a finishing touch.

    2. The right bottle

    By the way: please useno more olive oil bottled in bright bottles.Olive oil should always come in dark-tinted bottles, otherwise the antioxidants can degrade when exposed to light and oxygen. If you have larger supplies of olive oil in light-colored bottles, you can also pour the oil into a pretty olive oil dispenser (e.g. made of ceramic).

    How long does olive oil last?

    You should always store olive oil in a dark and cool place (but never in the refrigerator!). Then it isat least 18 monthslong lasting. Naturally cloudy olive oils should be consumed fresh and used within one to two months.

    Is your olive oil no longer good? Then you should do thisdispose of properly.Fill the oil into a plastic bottle (if it is in a glass bottle) and later dispose of it with the general waste.

    Attention: Stiftung Warentest advises against these 7 olive oils

    Read more details about the big olive oil test

    • Edeka Gut & Günstig extra virgin olive oil 750 ml
    • Fiore extra virgin olive oil 750 ml
    • Kaufland K-Bio extra virgin olive oil 750 ml
    • Kaufland K-Classic extra virgin olive oil 750 ml
    • Penny extra virgin olive oil 750 ml
    • Rewe Rewe Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil 750 ml
    • Rewe Yes extra virgin olive oil 750 ml

    This is the best olive oil according to Stiftung Warentest

    The olive oil„Six Five Zero Extra virgin olive oil“of the brandRawreceived a grade of 1.9 (good) and, with a price of 36.00 euros per liter, is recommended as the oil for special occasions. This is what is wonAccording to the manufacturer, it comes from the Coratina olive variety and comes from southern Italy. It also scores points with its taste, which is reminiscent of green apples and almonds.

    Want to cook with olive oil? Here comes our favorite recipe

    Recipe: Lemon spaghetti with olive oil

    • 25 ml olive oil
    • 1 untreated lemon
    • 400 g Spaghetti
    • 1 clove of garlic
    • Salt & Pepper
    • Handful of basil leaves
    • 75g grated Parmesan

    Peel the peel from the washed lemon with a zester, then peel and finely chop the garlic. Cook the spaghetti in salted water and meanwhileOlive oil iPlace in a pan and briefly sauté the garlic and lemon peel. Now add three tablespoons of lemon juice and the finished pasta, season with salt and pepper and garnish the pasta with chopped basil leaves.

    Instead of throwing it away: You can use bad olive oil for this purpose

    • To remove glue:Adhesive residue can usually be removed with a cloth soaked in olive oil.
    • To avoid squeaky doors:Olive oil can be used as a natural lubricant.
    • To combat aphids:A natural control agent made from olive oil, a little water and a few drops of dish soap, sprayed on plants, helps against aphids.
    • Give metal a new shine:You can use oil to make metallic objects that have become dull over time shine again. To do this, put some olive oil on a cloth and then polish the pieces.

    Photo: iStockphoto

    Making your own facial peeling is easy and works: it creates a radiant complexion

    Olive oil and sugar facial scrub for normal skin

    Sugar is excellent for removing dead skin cells from the skin. The olive oil moisturizes and provides additional care without being greasy.

    You need these ingredients:

    • 3-5 tbsp sugar
    • about the same amount of olive oil

    This is how it works:

    1. Mix the ingredients together thoroughly until a thick paste forms.
    2. Apply the scrub to your face and rub gently in circular motions.
    3. Leave the facial peeling to work for a few minutes and then rinse it off thoroughly with lukewarm water.

    The best olive oil in the world

    Croatian olive oil from the regions of Dalmatia and Istriais one of the best oils in the world. Croatia has ideal conditions for growing olives, both due to its geographical location and climatic conditions. Thanks to many hours of sunshine, not too hot summers and mild winters, olive trees thrive optimally. This produces some of the best olive oils in the world.