Whole grain, rye or multigrain: This type of bread is the healthiest - according to experts

    We love! Not just us in the editorial team, but all of us as a society. Germany is known all over the world as a bread country. The German Bread Institute is finally doing well3,000 different bread specialties in Germanyalone. So it's no wonder that we love bread with such a variety - whether sweet, with jam, toasted, fresh from the oven, topped with sausage or cheese or crispy as croutons or processed as bread dumplings, there is something for every taste when it comes to bread .

    ButBread is often not considered particularly healthy, even if most people cannot imagine everyday life without it. But the same applies here:Bread is not just breadand while white bread really isn't particularly healthy in large quantities, many varieties can make a healthy and filling side dish for any day. But if you are now wondering which of the thousands of varieties at the bakery are really healthy, we have put together the most important key information below. Maybe you already choose the right type of bread - or should switch to the following three for a healthy diet:

    Healthy food? This is how you can tell whether bread is healthy or unhealthy

    First things first:There is no one bread that is healthy for everyone, the experts agree on that. This depends entirely on the needs of each person. Some people need bread with themlots of fiber, others have trouble digesting them and need oneeasier to digest versionand still others sufferCeliac disease or other intolerancesand are therefore even further restricted in their choice of type of bread. But studies show that for most people the following applies: the less processed the grain in the bread is, the healthier the bread is, as it contains a lot of fiber, but also proteins and nutrients such as phosphorus, iron, zinc and the like Metabolism and our immune system supported.

    According to experts: These 3 types of bread are the healthiest

    1. Healthy bread: whole wheat bread

    Most people needmore fiberin their diet – and whole grain products are an excellent source here. Because here they arewhole grains processed– including the grain bran and germs. And these are the ones that contain nutrients and fibermake it so healthy. They ensure that theCarbohydrates in bread are digested more slowlyand thus keep the blood sugar level stable after eating. The nutrients can also support healthy digestion and keep you full for longer.

    Studiesalso show that a diet containing whole grain products, not just bread, is associated with areduced risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancerstands. One more reason to reach for the hearty bread variant more often!

    2. Healthy bread: sprouted bread

    Sprouted bread is breadfrom germinated cereal grains. To do this, they are germinated in a warm and moist environment and only then processed into flour. Through this process, some of theNutrientsin grains, for example folic acid and various other vitamins,easier for the body to absorb, which makes them healthier. Germination also helpsto break down antinutrients. These are contained in grains and otherwise make it difficult for the body to absorb minerals such as iron. This means that the sprouted bread provides the body better with vitamins and minerals.

    Another bonus from the germination process: Many sprouted breads naturally containless gluten, i.e. grain starch, which makes it easier to digest for many people with sensitivity. However, in most cases it is still unsuitable for people with celiac disease.

    Best companion for bread

    3. Healthy bread: sourdough bread

    Sourdough is special because of theFermentation in sourdougheven so healthy. The microorganisms it contains already start for usDigestive processof gluten, which makes it easier to digest for many and, like the germination process in sprouted bread, helpsMinerals and vitamins more easily absorbedclose.

    OneStudyfrom southern Europe also shows that the diet with sourdough bread is particularly popular among older peopleLinked to a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancerstands.

    For a long shelf life: This is the best way to store bread

    So that you can enjoy your bread for a long time and it doesn't become hard or bad, it's best to store it in a bread box made of unglazed ceramic or clay. Alternatively, you can also pack the bread in a paper bag - this will also keep the bread fresher for longer.

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