10 things you should definitely clear out before New Year's Eve

    It's hard to believe: 2024 is almost over. Umfresh into the new yearTo start, you should definitely take advantage of the quiet days between Christmas and New Year and yourClear your home of unnecessary thingsthat just stand in the way. Here are10 things you should definitely sort out before New Year's Eveshould.

    You should definitely clear out these 10 things in the old year

    1. Old pillows

    According to experts, you shouldCushion replaced after 1-2 yearsbecause bacteria like to collect here. So if you've been doing the same thing for a whilePillows in your bedthen it's high time to invest in a new one before New Year's Eve. This is how you startfresh into the new year! If you don't want to throw away your pillow, check with your local animal shelter to see if they accept used pillows for pet crates.

    2. Half-burnt candles

    Candles just make it so cozy! You probably have a lot of them, especially after the Christmas seasonhalf-burnt candlesat home. Time to clear out! Because they have reindeer motif candles or Christmas tree scented candlesin the new yearnothing was lost in the living room anymore. Swap themLeftovers for new candlesin fresh colors.

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    3. Old winter clothes and accessories

    When you swapped your summer wardrobe for thick winter sweaters in the fall, you probably also liked this oneBox with winter clothesfrom 10 years ago fell into my hands. If the box is still untouched by the end of December, then you should stillFinally get rid of your old clothes before New Year's Eve. Either donate them or try selling some pieces online – vintage is all the rage right now.

    4. Different hangers

    Once you've cleared your closets of old coats and clothes, you'll probably notice that over the years arandom assortment of different clothes hangershas accumulated. If you store hangers in different sizes, shapes and colors, your closet will automatically lookmessyout of. Get a new oneuniform setto.

    5. Unused or expired food

    If you have jarred or canned food in storage and haven't touched it during the holidays, you'll probably never use it again. So get rid of it! Check the best-before date on the cans and throw away expired products immediately. Anything still in order can be donated to your local food bank. After you have looked through the refrigerator and pantry, it is also worth taking a look in the bathroom cabinet. Because cosmetics and medications can also expire...

    6. Unused cups

    Cups are often given as gifts at Christmas and so it happens that things go wild in the cupboardsmixed cup collectionsstack. So take a look through the cups and pay attentionStains, tears or cracks: Broken models belong in the trash. Although some examples may remind you of vacations or were a gift from your mother-in-law, they are also worth picking upunused cupsto forego and halve your collection.

    7. Old towels

    Did you know that you have yourshould?Bacteria and germsThey feel particularly comfortable here and reproduce splendidly - quite unhygienic. But even washing a lot leaves its mark, and the consequences are often severeworn towels. Discard all of themthin, frayed towelsand invest in a new set.

    8. Puzzles, toys and games with missing pieces

    If you pulled out an old puzzle in the dark of December to while away the holidays and found that pieces were missing, you need to be strong now.The missing parts won't come back on their own!Either you get involvednew puzzleor you order from the manufacturerSpare parts. The same applies toCard games or other toys.

    9. Blank gift cards

    If you are the type of person who redeems gift vouchers online and then in onedrawer instead of in the trashnow is the time to break old patterns. Before New Year's Eve, commit to checking all gift cards for balance andthrow away empty cards. If there is still some money on the card: Write the amount of the remaining credit on the voucher with a marker. This is how you keep track.

    10. Take-away menu cards

    Last but not least, you should get away from all of themcrumpled menusSeparate items that are hanging on your refrigerator or in a drawer. Just keep thoseTake-away menu cardsthat you actually use or that you can't find online.