They are the main characters of countless nightmares and horror films:Spidersare among the most fascinating and at the same time most feared creatures on earth. There are approximately50,000 different species. One thing in advance:Deaths from spider bites are very rare, because clinics, poison control centers and hospitals often have specific antitoxins available for the treatment of bites. Whether fatal or not: Anyone suffering from arachnophobia should stop reading here at the latest.
The 10 most dangerous spiders in the world
In this article we will introduce you to theten most dangerous and poisonous spiders in the worldbefore. So keep your distance if you come across one of these eight-legged friends.
10. Apulische Tarantel
DieApulische Tarantel, also known as the wolf tarantula, is not, strictly speaking, a tarantula at all. The spiders are considered dangerous because they produce poison and their large fangs are both quiteevil wound as well as paniccan cause to the victims. The bite of the big spider is truepainful, but not particularly toxic.
Happen: Western Mediterranean area, especially central and southern Italy
9. White-tailed spider
DieWhite-tailed spideris a dangerous crawling animal that does not catch its prey in webs because it prefers to hunt other spiders. Your poison canNausea, vomiting and severe headachescause in humans. She often hides in clothes and shoes.
Happen: southern Australia
8. Red-headed mouse spider
Those tooRed-headed mouse spideris one of the ten most dangerous spiders in the world. The name – as you can easily see from the photo – goes back to their striking appearance. Their poison causes symptoms likesevere swelling and symptoms of paralysisand can be life-threatening, especially in children. The males are significantly more aggressive than the females.
Happen: southern Australia
7. Brown widow
DieBrown widowInhabits a variety of habitats from buildings to vegetation and varies in appearance from light brown to almost black with a patterned abdomen. Although the brown widow's poisontwice as strongLike the black widow, it is not aggressive. There have been some fatal bites by the animal in the past, but the victims have already beenimpaired healthand receivedno antivenom treatment.
Happen: Southern California, South America, Caribbean, Japan, South Africa, Madagascar, Australia, Cyprus
6. Southern Black Widow
She has a bad reputation: the infamous Black Widow, or more preciselySouthern Black Widow, is responsible for over 2,500 calls to poison control centers across the United States. This species lives in various habitats in North America and often causes damage with its biteMuscle and breathing problems. Although its venom can cause death in children and the elderly, it has been reported in the United Statesno deaths so farreported by their bite. The female is black with a reddish-yellow hourglass pattern, while the male is significantly smaller and may have red and white stripes.
Happen: USA, parts of Canada, Latin America and the West Indies
5. Redback spider
Due to its appearance it is easily confused with the related Southern Black WidowRedback spider. It poses an increasing threat to humans because it tends to live in houses. She paralyzes her prey with sticky material, wraps her in silk, injects venom and sucks out her organs. A bite can occur in humanssevere pain, headaches and nauseacause. The male animals are non-venomous to humansonly the females are dangerous.
Happen: Australia, Southeast Asia, New Zealand, Japan
4. Brown recluse spider
DieBrown recluse spiderfrom the family of six-eyed sand spiders is the most dangerous spider in the USA. Although their bite is almost painless, the animals' poison can cause damagesevere skin ulcers and necrosislead. Deaths from their bite are rare. The species is about 7 millimeters tall, with a violin-shaped pattern on the cephalothorax. They stay in caves, rodent burrows and undisturbed buildings.
Happen: Midwest and Southern USA
3. Chilean angle spider
DieChilean angle spider, also from the sand spider genus, is very dangerous because of its poisonserious damage such as necrosis and death from sepsis or liver failurecan cause. What's particularly tricky is that there is currently no effective antidote! The spider prefers human settlements and hides in dark areas. Although common, angle spider bites are common due to theirnon-aggressive behavior is very rare.
Happen: Central and South America, especially Chile, Peru and Ecuador
2. Brazilian wandering spider
DieBrazilian wandering spider, also known as banana spider, ranks second on the list of the most poisonous spiders in the world. The furry specimen owes its nickname to the fact that it likes to relax during the dayhidden in banana treesand so sometimes travels to other parts of the world via banana crates. Despite its natural habitat in the rainforest, the wandering spider is also widespread in human settlements and buildings. The spider's venom, which is sometimes being researched as a potential treatment for erectile dysfunction, resolves symptoms such asIncreased salivation, cardiac arrhythmias and, in men, long-lasting painful erections(priapism). If left untreated, a Brazilian bite can occur Wandering spider can be deadly.
Happen: South America, especially southeast Brazil, northern Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
1. Sydney funnel web spider
Curtain up for themmost dangerous and poisonous spider in the worldas well as thateighth most poisonous animal in the world. It's the oneSydney funnel web spider, which, as its name suggests, is primarily found in and around the Australian metropolis of Sydney. The bite of the black crawler isvery painfuland causes symptoms such as those affecting the autonomic nervous systemVomiting, high blood pressure, shortness of breath and cardiac arrhythmias. In the worst case, this can be fatal and requires immediate medical attention. It's just thatextremely aggressive malesand its highly potent poison that poses such a danger. Employees at the Australian Reptile Park regularly milk the spiders to produce antivenom, saving up to 300 people every year. Since the antivenom was developed in 1981, it has been in Australiano deathsby species of funnel-web spiders.
How dangerous are spiders to humans?
Species such as the Sydney funnel-web spider or the Brazilian wandering spider are due to their strong venom and aggressive behavioralso very dangerous for humans. Depending on the dose, their poison can cause mild allergic reactions to severe neurological symptoms. If you suspect a bite from a dangerous spider, you shouldsee a doctor immediately. However, very few species of spiders are considered dangerous to humans and fewer than 30, that isless than 0.1 percent, have the potential to cause death.
Why do so few spiders pose a danger to humans?
A significant factor could be thatSize difference between humans and spidersbe. The spider venom is designed for smaller prey, but in some species it can also be dangerous for humans. Many myths about poisonous spiders are exaggerated. Most spiders arenot aggressive and only bite when they have to defend themselves. It often makes a difference whether the venom is injected by the male or female. Overall:Deaths from spider bites are extremely rare and can usually be treated with antivenom.
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