For the 7 craziest places for extreme climbers you need (nerves like) wire ropes

    It's crazy what people are capable of - one of the things you notice is when you look at how invincible they seemand climb rock faces. Some of thecraziest climbing spotswe have put together for you.

    Seem completely invincible: Steep overhangs and smooth walls for extreme climbers

    What can you say: Some people just want to go high and no path is too far and no rock face is too steep for them.

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    Devil's Tower is a tower-like mountain of igneous origin on the edge of the Bear Lodge Mountains in northeastern Wyoming, United States. It is 265 meters high and is a completely unreal spot for extreme climbers. Truly not for wimps or amateurs. But an absolute dream for people who understand the craft of climbing.

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    In the middle of nowhere, in the southern foothills of the Pyrenees, not far from Andorra, lies the Mont Rebei gorge. There you will not only find one of the most spectacularon the entire Iberian Peninsula, but also a dream spot for climbers. However, you shouldn't be afraid of heights there...

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    Anyone can climb normal mountains (of course that's not true), but the more spectacular a potential climbing spot is, the more exciting it is for some climbing professionals. And the Totem Pole at Cape Hauy in Tasmania is certainly one of the most spectacular climbing spots in the world. The free-standing column made of volcanic rock is “only” 65 meters high, but whoever conquers it can do everything else. Really a great climbing spot.

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    Mastering overhangs is a very special category even for good climbers - something like the king and queen of discipline. This overhang in the Australian sport climbing area of ​​Diamond Falls in the Blue Mountains near Sydney is really only for the very tough and absolute professionals. Wow!

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    With the roaring ocean beneath you and the full hardness of the rock in front of your nose – climbing the Australian Southern Ocean Wall in West Cape Howe is absolutely not for the faint of heart and requires not only physical but also mental strength. Anyone who masters this climbing spot can boast that they are among the best.

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    On the small Greek island of Telendos in the eastern Aegean is the Crystal Cave - one of several spectacular climbing spots on the island that is driving more and more fans of the sport to the island. Every autumn there is even a large international climbing festival there (and on Kalymnos), in which the Crystal Cave also plays an important role.

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    Surrounded by flat farmland is Mount Arapiles, a mountain in the western Australian state of Victoria, about ten kilometers west of Natimuk. The cliffs of the approximately 370 meter high Mount Arapiles are a popular destination for rock climbers because of the large selection of climbing routes - and also offer spectacular overhangs like this one.

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