Manifesting is a real trend, but can I really make my dreams and wishes for the New Year come true?
On pretty much every platform, sooner or later you will come across a person who is “manifesting”. Wishes and dreams should soon correspond to reality - with the help of simple words and thoughts. Actually a perfect method to make your own dreams and wishes come true in the new year.
But what is behind this trend? And how can you really manifest “correctly”? We will enlighten you and tell you how you can determine your future!
What exactly is “manifestation”?
The word manifestation is derived from the Latin term “manifestare” and means something like “to show” or “to make tangible”. And that's exactly what manifestation is all about: the desires that are hidden deep inside you.
Manifesting can happen intentionally and unintentionally. For example, you can manifest fears without really wanting to. This happens by constantly telling yourself that you are afraid of a certain situation or object.
But we would like to focus more on intentional manifestation, which deals with the wishes and dreams that are floating around in your head. In this sense, manifesting means that you can decide for yourself how you shape your life and take control.
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How does manifesting work?
The basis of manifesting is that you are honest with yourself. It's no use copying other people's wishes or dreams. It's about identifying your inner desires and realizing them in the near future.
Once you have figured out these dreams for yourself, you can start your path toward manifesting.
The Law of Attraction
Anyone who has stumbled across the concept of manifesting will sooner or later come into contact with the law of attraction. In summary, the law of attraction states that like attracts like.
It is assumed that positive things happen to people who have positive thoughts and are optimistic about the future. People who wallow in self-pity and constantly have a pessimistic worldview are only surprised by negative things in their lives.
The Law of Attraction is intended to serve as a kind of call to take control of your life and act on your own responsibility. Instead of talking negatively about the world around you, positive thoughts and a positive mindset should help you become happy in life.
Of course, it's not all that easy: after all, not everyone is born with the same opportunities and possibilities from the start. In addition, the law of attraction does not take disadvantaged people, strokes of fate or illness into account. So you should treat the whole thing with a bit of caution.
Step by step: instructions for manifesting
There are different methods you can use to manifest properly. For now, however, it is important to be clear about a few things. We'll tell you how you can achieve the goal of manifesting using small steps.
1. Find out what you really want
To identify your desires, you have to listen deep within yourself. Try to write down all your dreams with a piece of paper and a pen to keep them in your memory.
After you have written down all your wishes, try to listen to yourself a little more. Are these really your deepest, inner desires? Or maybe you're just trying to impress someone or please society? Remember: it's about your future.
By now you may have found a few bullet points that you can cross off your list. It can also be helpful to prioritize your wishes to get an overview.
If you are satisfied with your list, you can address your wishes individually. It is important to formulate the goals as precisely as possible.
An example: Instead of writing “I want to be rich,” you can instead use the phrase “I want to have a salary of xxx in the account by the end of next year by asking for a raise.”
2. Visualize your dreams in your mind
In order to make your dreams come true later, it can help to visualize yourself living your dream beforehand. Try to imagine exactly the goal you have achieved: How does it feel? What emotions come up for you? The path to your goal is also part of it. Try replaying this entire process in your head and figuring out how it makes you feel.
3. Visualize your dreams using a vision board
After you have played your dreams in your mind, you can now start with the physical visualization.
A vision board is best suited for this: This is a piece of paper or cardboard that you can stick and print with any motifs that remind you of your dreams.
Would you like to take a city trip to Paris? You can stick all the beautiful sights that the city of love has to offer on your vision board.
No worries:You don't have to be particularly creative or artistic. This is more about making your dreams visible by visualizing them every day.
4. Prepare your path
Every goal also has a rocky road ahead of it: Try to formulate as specifically as possible how you can achieve your goals. These can be small steps, such as going for a 10-minute walk.
The main thing is that you start taking action. Many people find it helpful to write to-do lists that they can check off at the end of the day. Your path to your goal shouldn't stop you from your everyday tasks - try to integrate small steps into your routine.
5. Believe firmly in your dreams
By reminding yourself several times a day what dreams you have and what opportunities lie ahead, your goals may soon become reality.
Healthy self-esteem and self-confidence are extremely important: because you can only achieve your dreams if you trust in your abilities and appreciate your self-worth.
Tipp: With a manifestation journal, you can record your dreams and goals step by step. This can help you not to lose sight of your desires (buy here on Amazon*).
Manifesting with the 369 Method
You can decide individually which manifestation method works best for you, but the 369 method is one of the best known.
The exercise is very simple: Speakthree times in the morning,six times at noonandnine times in the eveningExpress your wishes and goals clearly in front of a mirror. If you feel uncomfortable at first, you can first jot down what was said on a piece of paper and write it down. But the same applies here: three times in the morning, six times at lunch and nine times in the evening.
In this way you keep reminding yourself of your wishes and at some point you will accept them in your subconscious.
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Note at the end:Manifesting can help you visualize your wishes and dreams and make the journey there easier. However, you shouldn't limit yourself to just manifesting. Too much focus on this can influence one's real worldview and, if done incorrectly, can lead to low self-esteem.