Making the same mistake over and over again is annoying. That's why you should identify your blind spots

    Blind spots as a psychological phenomenon

    Now you're probably wondering what we mean by blind spots in this context. You all know the blind spot on the retina that prevents us from seeing anything. But have you ever heard of blind spots in psychology? they denote, although they may be obvious to others. These blind spots can arise from defense mechanisms, self-deception, or a lack of self-reflection and influence how people behave and perceive their interactions with others. You can compare it to the blind spot when driving a car. You have everything in view, but this one point is simply not visible for your own position. And that's exactly why many accidents happen in this context. Not just on the road, but also in your personal life.

    Seeing mistakes: blind spots as part of your own personality

    Blind spots are what we cannot recognize about ourselves. Not visual, but psychological: blind spots can affect everything from certain attitudes to behavior or personality traits that are part of our psyche but are not clear to us. That doesn't sound so wild at first, and it is. But only to the point where we or others begin to suffer from these blind spots. For example if we inAlways display defensive behavior or constantly interrupt others in conversation without even noticing it. Or when we suffer from perfectionism, compulsive control or underlying fear without us knowing the cause. Often it is the unconscious onesthat make our lives difficult and tempt us to make the same mistakes over and over again, even though we don't actually want to. To break out of this spiral, there is only one thing left to do: identify the blind spots and act.

    Blind spots and therefore errors that cannot be seen can become a stress test

    Blind spots become a problem when we or other people suffer from them. In a relationship, this often leads to those involved discussing the same topics over and over again - one does this, the other behaves that way and then an argument breaks out. This not only affects romantic relationships, but can also be a real test for friendships. Blind spots can also get in our way personally when we- Keyword: dating - because we simply haven't dealt with certain topics in our lives and then, for example, we keep falling for the same scam. We are aware somewhere that we are attracted to toxic behavior in this case, but we cannot pinpoint exactly why. And so we blame ourselves for something without actually clarifying the exact question of guilt. This is destructive and unhealthy, and in the end we are the ones who suffer. If this happens to you frequently, you should do something about it. Because if you know your blind spots and know how to deal with them, you no longer have to be ashamed of yourself.

    How to identify your blind spots and mistakes

    Identifying blind spots may help you avoid making the same mistakes over and over again, but it's not that easy. You have to reflect on yourself, get involved in getting to know yourself better and also be open to encountering character traits or characteristics that you would actually rather not notice in yourself. Healthy self-criticism is required. The following steps will help:

    1. Steps you can do yourself:

    Self-reflection:We have already mentioned it: If you want to find blind spots, you have to learn to reflect on yourself and your behavior. To do this, you should regularly take time to think about your own thoughts, feelings and attitudes. You can find more detailed instructions in our.

    Mindfulness and meditation:mindfulness exercises andalways sound a bit banal. But if you really get behind it, you learn a lot about your own personality. They help to increase awareness of one's own thoughts and emotions and to recognize unconscious patterns.

    Acceptance and openness:We've already teased this too: finding blind spots isn't necessarily pleasant. Maybe you notice behaviors that don't actually fit with your own self-image. Maybe you are confronted with attitudes that are rather unsexy. You have to be open to it and learn to accept it. Because this is the only way you can do something about the undesirable personality traits.

    2. Steps that others can support:

    Get feedback:Blind spots are often not visible to oneself, but are crystal clear to others. After all, it's just a question of perspective, how you look at certain situations (keyword: blind spot when driving). Close confidants can help you get to know yourself better - as long as you are completely honest, of course. ThroughWhen it comes to behavior and habits, you may quickly become aware that you have certain characteristics or patterns that you were not aware of before.

    Therapy or coaching:Professional support through therapy or coaching can help identify and understand blind spots. After all, professionals are trained to ask questions and provide perspectives that lead to self-knowledge. There are also various personality and behavior analyses, for example the Big Five personality model, which can be used to identify unconscious characteristics.

    And what do you do with the knowledge about blind spots and your mistakes?

    So, now you've identified the blind spots in the best case scenario, then you've got half the battle there. At least it's now easier to explain why you make certain mistakes more often or behave a certain way in certain situations. Realizing this is particularly important in order to change things in the next step. If you come across blind spots that you don't like, you should address them. So who, for example, is badcan, should work on it - for the benefit of all human relationships that one has in this way. We cannot give you a general strategy for dealing with your illuminated spots; the field of blind spots is simply far too large for that. But we can encourage you to basically get to know yourself better. Then you already know how best to deal with yourself.

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