Leather jackets are a permanent trend. It's high time to treat yourself to a good model

There are a few jackets that we should always have in our closet, regardless of season, age and trends. Simply because they never go out of style and always go, no matter when, how and with what you wear them. Next to oneA leather jacket also belongs on this, which you can use to create oneCapsule Wardrobecan build. You know, a solid base of minimalist clothing that can be combined in many ways. If you still have some catching up to do or are looking around againa new onehave to take care of, we'll now reveal where they aredust off the best specimenscan ? andwhich models are currently doing you the most favor.

Leather jackets are a permanent trend

Now to talk about thata new fashion trend that will be totally hyped in winter 2024 does not do justice to the legacy of the leather jacket. You simply cannot call it a trend because it is one of the few items of clothing that is completely independent of the fashion zeitgeist. Sure, there are always new shapes or colors that are sometimes popular and sometimes less popular. However, this does not jeopardize the existence of the leather jacket as a permanent member of the ongoing trends. Especially when it comes to leather jackets in black or dark brown, the basic version among leather jackets? and our favorite.

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Investing in a good leather jacket is worth it

Of course, a good leather jacket is not cheap. Especially when you're into high-quality luxury examplesLoro Piana,Giorgio ArmaniorPradainvested. But the investment is worth it because, on the one hand, leather jackets do not go out of fashion and, on the other hand, if they are of good quality, they will last for several years, if not decades. It's better to spend more than buy twice, is our motto. High-quality leather jackets for smaller budgets can be found, for example, atCos,Massimo DuttiorH&M Atelier. There is something for every budget? and taste? something about it.

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2 trendy models of leather jackets that we love

The only question that really arises when it comes to leather jackets is the model. They're cool anyway and all year round, you can combine them with everything from a relaxed denim look to suits (i.e. with everything) and we've already clarified the brand question. The only question that remains is how leather jackets should look best now. Don't worry, we've already given you carte blanche for all simple copies. But if you're buying a new leather jacket now, do yourself the biggest favor with these two models:

1. Lined leather jackets

All those who always dismiss leather jackets as short-term, transitional jackets and therefore don't buy one in the first place have probably never heard of lined leather jackets. Leather jackets are inherently very robust and good at warding off cold temperatures. Fur inserts inside and around the collar ensure that the temperature between the body and the jacket warms up even more. and of course that you can snuggle up nicely in the jacket. This is a great way to get through cold November days without freezing to the bone. So it would be an idea to get a lined leather jacket. Gladly in muted colors like black, please.

2. Leder-Jackets

Leather jackets are particularly in demand. The thin leather jackets are something like the counterpart to the lined leather jackets, which you can no longer wear as a jacket in November, but as part of cool layering looks? and should (just put a coat over it, done). After all, leather jackets look particularly elegant and enhance every outfit, no matter how boring. Of course, that's no excuse not to make any more effort, don't even think about it. But it makes everyday styling much easier. Another reason why we love leather jackets so much? and now hopefully you too.

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