Mini cardigans are the new fashion trend for men in winter 2024

    It was quite a long timeCardigansa bit of a symbol of pure bourgeoisie. For front gardens where the lawn is cut with nail scissors and so on. For a few seasons now, however, more and more large fashion houses have been trying out the classic cardigan and have actually managed to change the image by 180 degrees. For theFall and winter 2024A very specific luxury house (yes, we'll reveal which one in a moment) took the image change to the extreme and presented a really very skimpy model for men at Fashion Week: theMini-Cardigan. But how do you combine the fashion trend and which brand has brought it onto the catwalk? Let's answer everything below.

    Fashion trend in winter: What is a mini cardigan?

    Let's first clarify what this wintery one is all aboutactually acts. Mini cardigans are neither particularly short nor too small. A mini cardigan is a cardigan with a round collar that can be buttoned from the collar to the hem. Its appearance gives the cardigan its name: it looks tiny, even though it isn't. It has narrow, long sleeves that fit tightly and when you button it up, it looks like you accidentally washed the cardigan in the dry wash. It sounds strange at first, but it is one of the big, cool fashion trends for winter 2024.

    How to wear the mini cardigan fashion trend?

    The most important thing about the new mini cardigan fashion trend is the right size. Just because the cardigan should look like it's actually too small doesn't mean it should be. The shoulders must fit and the length, slightly below the waistband, should also be correct. Then it's just a matter of finding the right combination of the fashion trend. If you prefer it warmer, a very thin sweater fits under the cardigan. Otherwise, knitted polos are also a good choice. The whole look becomes a little more casual and suitable for everyday use with a simple T-shirt underneath. Feel free to use the color with this combination. If it's afterFor example, green and pink and red and turquoise go together. But of course all simple and inconspicuous color combinations also work. The look becomes elegant with wool trousers in a calm color. A broken look that looks cool and well-behaved at the same time is achieved with loose-fitting light jeans.

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    Mini cardigan: where does the fashion trend come from?

    It's not as if this type of cardigan hasn't always existed. But for men, styled in a modern way, they are the first thing on the catwalkseen in Milan. Shortly afterwards, the gap in the market was recognized and the cardigan, which always looks a little like grandma had knitted it for you, was seen everywhere. The well-behaved round collar is what sets this fashion trend apart. There is something innocent, perhaps even childlike, about him. When combined correctly, you get this exciting look that we would all like to have this winter.

    Find the best mini cardigans here:

    If you would like the ultimate classic, then you shouldPradaseek. The fall and winter collection 2024 is basically designed for this. But also brands likeBoggy MilanoThe slim mini cardigans are now available in the online shop. But a little tip: take a look in the women's department, or simply choose a size smaller. Nothing works in winter 2024 without one of these cardigans.