Why 2025 is the year in which men finally (!) Wear pink

Blue is for boys, pink for girls - if you know us, you know what we think of such gender stereotypes: namely nothing at all. Everyone should wear what they want and what they feel comfortable in. Basta. Therefore, we don't accept the excuse "Pink and Rosa for guys". Especially since it is absolute bullsh*t anyway.Men can look damn cool in pinkAnd in our opinion, should fall back on the color much more often. But in 2025 you will do that with a view to Runway anyway.A new trend color has now emerged on the catwalks of the big designers, which will shape the men's wardrobe of the coming year.You can guess three times which color it is.

Photo: Dior, Pr

Fashion show autumn/winter 2025 by Dior Men

Change of the trend colors: first brown, then mint green, now pink

Last year we were sure that we actually only want to wear one color: brown, in all shades and nuances. And this project also paid off well in autumn and winter. Then came the Golden Globes in early January, where we watched some stars in a new trend color: Mint Green seemed to be the New Hot Shit in Hollywood-and also found itself in numerous collections. Now the pastel tone gets competition from a related color family: Rosa is the next big thing in the fashion world. And as with every new trend color, we wonder why we didn't really notice your potential much earlier. Well, in 2025 we have enough time and opportunities to catch up. We won't be bumpy with the burgeoning hype anyway.


Foto: Launchmetrics

Fashionshow Spring/Summer 2025 von Hermès

Looked off from the catwalk: Rosa is the new trend color!

So how does it come now that Rosa suddenly blends into a new trend color? As always, the big designers are "to blame". Already last year we were able to observe at the fashion shows on the spring and summer collections in 2025 that more and more brands are relying on the new trend color.Dries van Notenshowed coats in pale pink,HermesBomber jackets, shirts and leather shirts. Other fashion houses then moved in for the upcoming autumn and winter collection. On the runway fromLouis VuittonNot only were new styles presented in the trend color, the entire catwalk was immersed in pink. Also withDior Men,032candKenzoIf jackets, shirts and accessories were missed a pink paint. And we all know what that means: not long and the trend color will also hike into the shops and our wardrobe. Therefore, not bad to prepare for the pink hype early.

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Foto: Louis Vuitton, pr

Cool stylish fracture: pink workwear jacket by Louis Vuitton

Prejudices overboard! That's why Rosa is so damn cool

Rosa will come, there is no doubt about that. At the latest then you should throw your unfounded reservations overboard if you still believe that men and pink do not match. Because, as the new designs from the catwalk already prove. In addition, it is damn cool to break out of the usual color scheme and spice up the essentials with new accents. You don't have to throw yourself in a full look right away, you can first start with a piece of clothing or accessories in the trend color. Rosa is perfect here as a fracture of style, with which you miss an elegant note. Relaxed preppy looks are popular anyway. Of course, we also tell you how to style them in combination with the new trend color.

Foto: Launchmetrics

Fashion show Spring/Summer 2025 by Dries van notes

Foto: Launchmetrics

Fashion show case/winter 2025 by Kenzo

Styling and combining pink - that's how it works

Styling pink is actually very simple. In itself, you can of course combine the new trend color as you want. But we would advise you to pay attention to one or the other basic rule so that your outfit looks really cool. One of them is not to overdo it with pink. The trend color looks most casually when you upgrade a simple and clean look (jeans, t-shirt, derbys) with a highlight piece (for example a pink oversized shirt). In addition, we would advise to use the trend color only with tops. Better wear jeans or black trousers below - pink is too much, white looks like the beach and vacation. Jackets (coats, bomber or workwear jackets) and accessories (caps or bags) are also particularly cool in the new trend color. Above all, this enhances relaxed looks and creates this desirable fracture of style that we have just written on. And then you already have it.

Foto: Launchmetrics

Cool: pink shirt, seen in the case/winter 2025 runway from Kenzo