Blue Monday: Today is the saddest day of the year - here's what you can do about it

Blue Monday: That's why the third Monday of the year is considered the saddest day of the year

You know what it's like: it's gray outside, the sun hasn't shown up in a while, it's cold, and you'd love to be there. Plus, the euphoria of New Year's Eve has worn off, and yoursyou slowly but surely throw overboard. It wouldn't be surprising if you felt this way on Monday, January 20th in 2025 - because the third Monday of the year is considered, als Blue Monday.

Blue Monday: This is where the name “saddest day” of the year comes from

That the third Monday in January is theshould be within the next 365 days, the British psychologist Dr. Cliff Arnall calculated - and the client for his calculations was none other than the travel company Sky Travel.

Interesting: Apparently we're all feeling a bit drained in mid-January after...were washed back into the boring everyday work routine. What Arnall definitely didn't want was to unsettle people at the beginning of the year and give excessive scope to demotivation. He actually wanted to show his fellow citizens that the year is still young and that it is in the hands of each and every person to show the courage to change and to look to the future with hope.

What you can do quickly so that the third Monday (and the days around it) in January doesn't turn into Blue Monday:

  • Spend time with people you care about.
  • If you are already very demotivated at work at the beginning of the year, it may be time to think of a plan B and ato pull.
  • Take advantage of one, which can be particularly helpful on days when the sun sets early.
  • Go to (under supervision)., because it releases endorphins even on the nastiest winter day of the year.
  • Start a new one.
  • Visualize on one, what you expect from this year – and how you can implement it.

Blue Monday: This is also behind the “saddest day of the year”

Because Dr. Arnall examined “Blue Monday” in 2005 for the travel company Sky Planner, of course a certain joy of travel is obvious to brighten up the dreary day. Because of course, January is long with 31 days - and usually gray. You long for sun and warmth.

That's why the third Monday in January is exactly the right day to think about where to gowant. Maybe a short one will do the trickto counteract the slightly gray mood? Or maybe anticipation is the greatest joy and it's timeto consider?

If you do not feel emotionally stable or suffer from depression well before and after January 20, 2025, you will find help and support at the German Depression Help hotline on 0800 33 44 533, at regional social psychiatric services and at the telephone counseling service on 0800 11 10 111.