The funniest “I have never” questions for friends: Inner evenings, Jungesell: Interior parties and Co.

“I've never had” questions

Whether at a cozy game evening, as an action at the Jungesell: Interior party or on vacation with friend: Inside: "I've never had"Is - next to"”Probably one of the most popular question games ever - and is also often converted into a drinking game.

Who is that "I've never" played for?

At "I've never had”It doesn't always have to be like a teen evening and the possible phrases and questions do not have to be embarrassed. On the contrary, you can just be funny or even stimulate really profound conversations.

So that you can find the right questions for your game evening, we have put together a questionnaire for you - from youth -free, funny questions that loosen up the mood in really every round, stimulate the almost philosophical game games. In addition to the fun, this game is primarily about getting to know each other better, or also about getting talks going that you would never have had in everyday life. And yes, you can of course also find daring questions in the field of sex and love.

“I've never had” drinking game rules: simply explained

You play for the first time "I've never had”Or your last game was a while ago? No problem, we like to freshen up your regular memory again. It starts by looking for the first person out of the round a statement that she passes on to the group. When it comes to the selection, you think when you are best "What have I never done?" - so as not to have to drink yourself directly.

A small example: The person who says it is said: "I have never caressed a dog"-everyone in the round that has already stroked a dog will receive a penalty point or in drinking game variant: takes a sip of the drink. Ideally, the questioner has actually not yet caressed a dog, otherwise she would also receive a penalty point. In the drinking game, the penalty points are replaced by shots or sips by an alcoholic drink. In order to stay with our example, everyone would have to drink something who has already stroked a dog.

So the questioning person should choose well. After that, the person on the left asks the next question and it always goes on. In the “Light” variant, the one who first has ten penalty points. Anyone who lasts with nine points has won. In the “drinking game” variant there are no real losers-except maybe the person who has the strongest headache the next day.

But enough of the rules - let's go with the game!

The funniest (and deepest) “I've never had” questions

A little disclaimer in advance: You can play the questions 1 to 77 without hesitation with all possible groups and with the family-we recommend the following questions especially for close friend: interior groups, dating, couple evenings or other rounds in which you feel enough to share something more obvious from your own life. But whether youth-free or in Juicy variant-fun really bring all questions.

Funny “I've never had” questions for game evenings

  1. I've never broken a bone before.
  2. I've never traveled alone.
  3. I've never seen a ghost.
  4. I have never thrown the house of someone with eggs.
  5. I have never laughed so much that my drink came out to me.
  6. I have never pretended to make calls to get out of a situation.
  7. I have never met a celebrity.
  8. I've never been sleeping.
  9. I have never read an entire book in one day.
  10. I have never gone to a party that I was not invited.
  11. I have never gone through all night.
  12. I have never been pushing in front of a person I didn't know.
  13. I have never peed in the shower.
  14. I have never peed into a pool.
  15. I have never eaten an entire pack of ice cream alone.
  16. I have never cheated on a board game.
  17. I have never shouted out loud during a scary film.
  18. I have never been sent to the school management's office.
  19. I have never clogged a toilet.
  20. I have never worn anything that I had fished out of the dirt laundry basket again.
  21. I have never handed over after a roller coaster ride.
  22. I have never given a whole television series in one day.
  23. I have never accidentally said to someone “I love you”.
  24. I have never lied while I played this game.
  25. I have never had a nickname for which I was ashamed.
  26. I have never created a fake social media account.
  27. I have never been ashamed of something that I shared on social media.
  28. I never ran out of gas when driving.
  29. I have never gone to a party that I was not invited.
  30. I have never agreed with someone who is: who is supernerving just because I can hardly say no.
  31. I have never lied to a first date.
  32. I have never used the toothbrush from someone else.
  33. I have never tried ear wax.
  34. I've never been on TV.
  35. I've never showered for a week.
  36. I have never turned my underwear on the left so as not to have to wash it.
  37. I have never been into the sibling: a friend: girlfriend crush.
  38. I've never shaved my head.
  39. I have never had a tattoo.
  40. I have never been to a hen: interior of the interior.
  41. I have never been so excited about a family game evening that he was over afterwards.
  42. I have never organized a surprise party.
  43. I have never eaten whipped cream directly from the spray can.
  44. I have never mentioned for a reality TV show.
  45. I have never told my parents that I was at one: a friend: in the night, even though I was actually somewhere else.
  46. I have never been with one: a clairvoyant: in.
  47. I've never lived alone.
  48. I've never sung karaoke.
  49. I have never stayed in the hospital.
  50. I have never deleted a social media contribution because it got too few likes.
  51. I've never been on a cruise.
  52. I have never lost money in a bet.
  53. I've never been involved in a car accident.
  54. I've never driven a motorcycle before.
  55. I have never pretended to be sick so that I was not to go to school or work.
  56. I have never spoken to a family member about my sex life.
  57. I've never been to Mexico.
  58. I've never eaten caviar.
  59. I have never used another person's Netflix password.
  60. I have never accidentally left the house in slippers.
  61. I've never seen an alligator.
  62. I've never driven snowboard.
  63. I have never broken up with someone that I regret it.
  64. I have never argued with a love interest in public.
  65. I have never knowingly spread a rumor.
  66. I've never cut my hair myself.
  67. I have never made an appointment with someone because of their appearance.
  68. I've never wanted to be famous.
  69. I have never helped a stranger before.
  70. I have never bored in a relationship.
  71. I have never been in love with a fictional figure.
  72. I never wanted to jump parachute.
  73. I have never peed next to a toilet.
  74. I have never hidden on the toilet at work to make time.
  75. I have never spent more than 100 euros away when going away.
  76. I have never spoken to my parents about contraception.
  77. I've never done my connection bad to end a phone call.

“I've never had” questions for dates

  1. I've never had a pet.
  2. I've never colored my hair before.
  3. I have never given anyone flowers to apologize.
  4. I have never given away a gift.
  5. I have never spontaneously stabbed a piercing.
  6. I have never hired someone after a text message.
  7. I have never broken up with someone by text message.
  8. I have never used a fake ID.
  9. I have never used a dating app.
  10. I've never been to an open relationship.
  11. I have never tried to guess a password of someone.
  12. I have never lied to press my friend before an appointment.
  13. I've never driven jet ski.
  14. I've never fell asleep in class or at work.

“I've never had” questions for couples

  1. I have never been pushing in a cinema.
  2. I have never received a love letter.
  3. I have never done it as if I haven't heard you.
  4. I have never met a prominent person.
  5. I have never said to anyone "I love you" without thinking it.
  6. I have never thought of work during sex.
  7. I have never intentionally initiated a dispute between other people.
  8. I've never googled myself.
  9. I've never broken a promise.
  10. I have never said that the sweets are out to secretly eat them myself.
  11. I've never fainted.
  12. I have never been involved in a physical examination.
  13. I have never bought a birthday present last minute.

“I've never asked” for Ü18

Attention it will be Juicy! From here you might want to think twice in which round you want to answer these questions! If you do not like to talk to people about sex, love or committed illustrations, then you should perhaps prefer to spare the following questions.