Keratin straightening: I had my hair permanently straightened - and this is the amazing result!

Keratin straightening: Everything about the permanent straightening method and a self-test.

Did you know? Meghan Markle actually has curls too. Nevertheless, she always appears in pictures with smooth, shiny hair. Apparently the Duchess swears by so-calledKeratin smoothing.So she takes her hair to her hairdresserpermanently smooth. One more reason to give this trend a try.

Keratin straightening: what is it and how does it work?

Keratin is the main component of our 80,000 to 150,000 hairs. “With keratin straightening you can restore your hairgive new structure, baby hairs,and roughened hair surfaces calm down,” explains Nika Abdalrahman from Salon Pauli in Munich. “In the treatment there is only oneCream with keratinapplied, which acts like a protective layerevery single hairlays. The products are designed in such a way that they can even penetrate into the cuticle layer of the hair.”

“Through the subsequentHeat when straighteningthe hair will be in onechemical processthen so closed that theysmooth for a long timestay,” the stylist explains further. “The procedure, which lasts several hours, is particularly suitable ifif your hair is dry, frizzy, brittle or damagedor smoothing is desired.”

This is how much professional keratin straightening costs

But what are the costs for creatine straightening at the hairdresser? “The prices depend on the duration of the treatment and the salon,” reveals Nika. “If you have strong curls, it takes longer to permanently straighten your hair than if you have a straight structure.” TheCost of keratin straighteningusually startfrom 250 euros.

Can I do keratin straightening myself?

Yes, you can also do keratin straightening yourself and do it in your own bathroom. "TheProducts for home“But the intensity is not that good, they only smooth for a short time, and the quality is simply not the same,” says stylist Nika. “For onepermanent smoothingyou should always use the:theHairdresser you can trust- he uses professional products and can give tips for care afterwards.”

What types of hair treatment are there?

Every salon works with different products. As a rule there isdifferent strengths of keratin agents,diesuitable for hair type and desired resultbe selected by the hairdresser. While low-dose keratin creams or tinctures provide superficial smoothing, strong products can even tame frizzy hair. Therefore, keratin smoothing is also “Keratin Brazilian Blow-out”called!

The classic version of the “Brazilian Blow-out” uses formaldehyde or its derivatives because the chemical fixes the keratin proteins directly in the hair structure. However, keratin straightening with formaldehyde is always harmful. Formaldehyde is a highly irritating chemical whose fumes can be carcinogenic to both hairstylists and their clients. Possible side effects can also include difficulty breathing, skin irritation and eye irritation. Due to the risks of keratin straightening with formaldehyde, there are now many safe treatment alternatives that achieve equally good results. So when you go to your hairdresser appointment, make sure you look for oneKeratin smoothing without formaldehydeto ask. And as always, the more natural the better for your hair!

Marlene Gotschlich

Keratin straightening at the hairdresser's: This is how it works

Are you thinking about having your hair permanently straightened by a hairdresser? We'll show you how the professional treatment works!