According to the doctor: You shouldn't take these supplements together
Three out of four Germans regularly use supplements. After all, they promise more energy, higher concentration and a strong oneimmune system. The problem: more and more - more promises, more selection, more ingredients. By the beginning of October 2024, a total of 12,600 new nutritional supplements were registered with the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety in Germany.
But can you just take them without hesitation? How should you keep an overview? Because it seems almost impossible, we asked an expert who is very familiar with the supplementation of nutrients: Lisa Köhler is a doctor and Head of Medical Affairs at Medwatcher. She explains which nutritional supplements you do not take together, how supplements with medication work and what you should definitely consider when taking combined intake.
Especially in winter, many use vitamin D almost independently, as we cannot absorb the sun vitamin in our latitudes between October and March. But supplements can also be overdosed - such as vitamin D. According to the doctor, too high dose of vitamin D can lead to an increased calcium level, which can cause slight side effects such as nausea or vomiting. "In extremely severe cases, too high calcium levels can lead to kidney damage, cardiac arrhythmias, loss of consciousness and death," says the doctor.
For this reason, vitamin D should not be taken at the same time as possible with calcium - at least not without medical monitoring. Because that could trigger the same effect as an overdose. “When taking it at the same timeCalcium and vitamin DIf the calcium level in the blood is definitely monitored regularly. Because vitamin D promotes the intake of calcium from the intestine and can therefore increase the calcium level in the blood and bring serious consequences again, ”explains the Lisa Köhler.
Also withIron and calciumAccording to the doctor, caution is advised: “You compete for the recording. Calcium can therefore block iron absorption. Therefore, it makes sense to take iron -containing supplements by far to calcium. ” No acute greater danger is hidden here, but it does not make sense. If you take iron with calcium together, you can also leave out the iron.
Can supplements influence the effect of medication?
"Just like medication, nutritional supplements can trigger interactions with other medication and also with each other," says Lisa Köhler. It is therefore important to always have it professionally clarify whether and which supplements are taken in parallel before taking medication. As an example, the doctor mentions an interaction between certain mineral additives such asIron, calcium, magnesium etc. and certain antibiotics. "These can reduce the intake of the antibiotic in the intestine - it seems weaker," says Lisa Köhler.
She continues: “AlsoSt. John's wortIt can have been proven to influence the effects of some medication because it stimulates the liver's degrading enzymes. For example atBlood thinners or anti -Babopille.. " This may weaken their effects. For this reason, taking St. John's wort should always be clarified with doctors beforehand.