Jamie Campbell Bower pauses after “Stranger Things”
He is the figure, the spectators: inside inThe fear has taught: Jamie Campbell Bower. In the fourth season of the science fiction series on Netflix, Campbell Bower came up as, Ultimate villain in the series around Eleven (), on. But now the actor urgently needs a break.
will be the last of the series. Everything points to a big showdown between villain Vecna and heroine Eleven. Who is really happy when it comes to the final duel? Vecna actor Jamie Campbell Bower, who takes a break of rogue rolls after “Stranger Things”.
It doesn't matter what you call him-Henry Creel, Vecna or Patient 001-one is always the same: it is the most evil creature that the upside down in the retro seriesever spit out. He has Eleven to the archfeird, harassed Buyer () And wants to exchange the colorful Eighties world of the “Stranger Things” kids for a red-soaked, cruel version, from which he then wants to create “something beautiful”. But not with the girls and boys, because they all defend themselves against the apparent superiority.
Jamie Campbell Bower, who slips into the role of Vecna, confirmed that this role of the ultimate villain is very demanding on the Megacon - and this is not due to the many hours. He does not believe that he is the new actor prototype of a villain, but after a Volturi vampire inAnd the 36-year-old actor does not want to be put in a drawer in “Stranger Things” in “Stranger Things”.
"Funny actually, I recently spoke to my therapist about exactly this topic," the actor revealed at a panel talk. He would have in this-If meeting talked about several things, but his therapist then said: "We have to make sure that you take a break before accepting your next role."
No matter whether hero or villain. However, it is clear for Campbell Bower that he doesn't necessarily want to play a villain again in the near future: "I think I don't play a bad figure at first." He also revealed the reason for this decision: "Honestly: that breaks me."
Jamie Campbell Bower about his role as Vecna
Nevertheless, Jamie Campbell Bower loves his figure in “Stranger Things”: “That was a fantastic journey, only inTo become part of something that so many people love and have loved since season 1. ” However, he was ready to take off his foam latex costume, to hang up and to wish Vecna a “slippery reconciliation”, continues Campbell Bower.
STRANGER THINGS. Jamie Campbell Bower as Vecna in STRANGER THINGS. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2022Courtesy of Netflix
However, one of Jamie Campbell Bower's upcoming roles is anything but a comedy: In “The Haunting in Wicker Park” he plays Ed Becker, who buys a house together with his wife Marsha (Erin Moriarty) in which a ghost family their mischief drives. The couple agrees to an exorcism, who, however, only worsens the situation of the Beckers. Doesn't sound sooooo funny now when you're honest.
“Stranger Things”, season 5: Big expectations
So far you don't know when the last season of “Stranger Things” starts: Netflix has none yetannounced (but it will be so far in 2025). So far, everyone involved, the authors and actors: inside, are equally convinced of the last episodes: emotionally it would become and tall and legendary. Each of the remaining episodes around Eleven, the upside down and the fictional city of Hawkins will have feature film length. In any case, we can hardly wait for the final showdown between Vecna and the rest of the world.
By the way: We can give everyone who is concerned about having to leave the “Stranger Things” universe forever with season 5: quite possible that more spin-offs from Hawkins will come after play and game. We hope.