Permanent wave in the self-test: This is how the curly hair trend 2025 works-and what you still need to know according to the expert

Permanent wave in the self-test: This is how the curly hair trend 2025 works-and what you still need to know according to the expert

Blades tempting for you? But you have rather smooth hair, but you dream of small curling or summer beach waves? With the good old onePermanent waveAlmost every hair can be conjured up curly volume manes. You only need the right know-how-and a competent hairdresser.

"OnePermanent waveis reinforcement of your own wave, ”explains hairdresser Lorenzo from Salon Pauli in Munich. "A new structure is brought into the hair with chemical means and the volume is reinforced at the same time." The professional speaks of the so -called opening of bridges in the hair: “With a chemical permanent wave fluid, the structures of the hair are opened and brought into a new shape. Once the shape has been reached, the new curls are permanently fixed and stabilized with a chemical agent. ” Depending on the request, you can choose curly curls: for the typicalSmall winders are best suited in the 1980s style.

Who is a permanent wave suitable for?

"In general, the hair should be healthy in any case," explains Lorenzo. "Otherwise, a permanent wave is suitable for both natural hair and colored hair - there should only be two weeks between coloring and lure." However, caution is advised in the case of heavily bleached hair, as it is already heavily used by the color withdrawal process.

In terms of hair structure, one can be onePermanent waveMake both a smooth and corrugated hair - even frizzy and heavily curly hair can benefit because the result looks more orderly afterwards.

From what length is a permanent wave possible?

Regarding the length, the following applies: "You can work well with the winders from a length of ten centimeters," says Lorenzo. "However, if the hair is too long, only soft waves are possible, otherwise the hair is too heavy and the curls hang up." The permanent wave trend 2025 is also totally popular for men and is therefore also possible with short hair. Often men only attract their top head and briefly shaved the sides. Even in men, the hair on the top of the head should be for onePermanent wavebe at least ten centimeters long.

What types of the permanent wave are there?

"Depending on the hair type, alkaline or acidic continuous wave fluid is used," says the expert. "An acidic shaft is stronger, it can also be applied for thick and stubborn hair and transforms the hair into a curly splendor within 15 minutes." The cold shaft is more suitable for fine, stressed and pretreated or colored hair. In addition Lorenzo: "The cold wave is gentler for the hair and therefore also needs longer exposure time and warmth for the tea, which is created on its own in modern developer lotions."

How exactly does a permanent wave work? Our test

First, the hair is washed thoroughly ...

Katja Brömer

... and cut. In this case, the bleached tips also come from because they are very dry and otherwise are too stressed by the shaft.

Katja Brömer

Then Lorenzo wraps the hair onto small wraps-for the 80s hairstyles.

Katja Brömer

The face is shielded and protected with cotton wool.

Katja Brömer

Now the continuous wave fluid is used. It is evenly distributed on the wrapped strands.

Katja Brömer

The permanent wave fluid has to work about 20 minutes ...

Katja Brömer

... and then rinsed.

Katja Brömer

The new curls are then fixed.

Katja Brömer

After processing ...

Katja Brömer

... the curls are washed again.

Katja Brömer

Nursing products are very important in the event of constant waves: Lorenzo therefore works in a moisturizing curl cream.

Katja Brömer

A diffuser is used for styling.

Katja Brömer

Permanent wave: before - after

Our colleague Darja in the before and after comparison.

Katja Brömer

She chose a permanent wave with small curls.

How long does such a permanent wave last?

"A well -made permanent wave lasts about three to five months," explains Stylist Lorenzo. "Then theoretically you have to wave the hair again so that the look remains." And if you don't want a new wave? "Then it's like coloring hair: the permanent wave grows out with a smooth approach." However, there is a rescue for women with completely smooth hair: “Had the customer very much before, you can undo the shaft with a smoothing. "

Maintain the permanent wave correctly: How do I care for my hair?

"Very important: leave your hair alone for a few days - that is, you shouldn't wash it for at least three days." Otherwise the following applies: naturalness! “The practical thing about continuous waves is that they can be styled completely. They look wonderfully dried in the air or blow out with the diffuser. ” Even when washing, you don't have to consider much after the first week: "It is only important that a lot of moisture is added to the hair - so always use a conditioner." Lorenzo's tips: Moisturizers are best suitedToo freshly wavy hair. And: If the hair is not so good for a day, you can also help with a curling iron on isolated strands.

How much does a permanent wave cost and where can you have it done?

Depending on the length of the hair, a permanent wave for women costs between 60 and 80 euros. Our tester Darja wasim Salon Pauliin Munich. Making a permanent wave yourself is much cheaper.

Make a permanent wave itself: this must be observed

If you want to make a permanent wave yourself, there are a few things to consider. First determine your hair type in order to achieve an optimal result and at the same time not to damage the hair too much.

  • Fine or stressed hair: picks up chemicals and therefore requires a rather milder lotion.
  • Thick or healthy hair: requires a stronger permanent wave lotion to make the result long.
  • Heavy bleached or damaged hair: a permanent wave is probably not the best choice here, as the hair can easily break.

Then it is about choosing the right product. A distinction is made between an alkaline permanent wave and an acid wave.

  • Alkaline permanent waves(PH value approx. 8–9): For strong, difficult to roll hair.
  • Acid waves(PH value approx. 6–7): gentler, but less strong-for fine or stressed hair.

But there is also the self -neutralizing permanent wave, which can be particularly suitable for beginners: inside because it automatically neutralizes. If you are still unsure whether you trust yourself a permanent wave at home, try a more temporary wave method or go to your hairdresser.

Make a permanent wave yourself: How to get curls into your hair

Of course you can also make your curls yourself. Once you want to test whether you are curls, you can also put them in the hair with tools or special tricks. And permanent curls? Theoretical is also possible to make a permanent wave yourself - there are suitable sets in the drugstore.

Make a permanent wave yourself

In the meantime there are also practical sets in the drugstore that help to make a permanent wave yourself (e.g. “permanent wave sensitive” from Keraloxk). They contain curlers, wave lotion, fixing lotion, protective gloves and a conditioner. Then you have to choose a curly species. Large wraps conjure up waves while small spiral winders provide cork puller curls. Note: The bigger the wrap, the larger the wave - and vice versa! As with the hairdresser, you can choose between two types of the permanent wave. As a reminder, there are these two:

  • The acid wave (for strong, untreated hair)
  • The alkaline or cold wave (for fine, sensitive, pretreated hair)

So you make your permanent wave step by step yourself:

  1. Step:Wash and comb your hair. This works particularly well with a tangle tea.
  2. Step: As when coloring the hair, you should protect the clothes well and place on a cloak or old clothes. Distort a cream on your skin (e.g. Vaseline) to protect it from chemistry.
  3. Step:Then turn the curlers into the hair. Important: You need patience for this, after all, your hair will be permanently brought into the shape. A Wickler does not sit well: definitely start over again! Start around the face and work on the back of the head - preferably, you ask a friend if she can help you. Also make sure that the tips are completely wrapped. Fix the curlers with a rubber band.
  4. Step:Now apply the curly lotion or permanent wave fluid and generously cover all hair. Let the lotion act according to the package insert. Attention: much doesn't help much. Be sure to stick to the specified period of time so as not to break your hair.
  5. Step:Rinse the permanent wave lotion thoroughly.
  6. Step:Then apply the fixation lotion. Attention, here you only use about two thirds of the bottle.
  7. Step:After the exposure time of the fixing lotion, you can remove the curlers.
  8. Step:Then massage the rest of the fixation lotion into the hair and rinse it directly.
  9. Step:Immediately return your hair and take care of it with a conditioner.
  10. Step:Don't wash your hair the next few days to keep the hair from drying out and get the new structure.

Danger:If your eyes or mucous membranes come into contact with the chemical permanent wave fluid, rinse them out thoroughly and go to the doctor if necessary. At this point we would like to emphasize again: hairdresser: Inside the permanent wave in long training courses - and are still the first choice, especially when it comes to the tricky matters as a permanent wave!

Styling tips for the permanent wave

A permanent wave can also be styled in a variety of ways. From open to half-tied or side parting to lichen and updos: the possibilities are versatile. A permanent wave gives the hair volume and structure, which not only needs proper care, but also a few styling tips.

Make sure that you do not rub your hair dry with a permanent shaft after washing, but expressly expresses, preferably with a microfiber cloth. You can then have them air dry or use a hair dryer with a diffuser attachment.

Also like to use a curly cream or a foam -strength to define the curls. Then use a coarse comb or your fingers to walk through the hair, but avoid a brush.

Curlsmith - feather -light protein cream, styling cream for sensitive and stressed curls, medium hold

“Volume Lift foam strength” by John Frieda

For example, for natural beach waves you can use a salt spray and gently knead it into the hair. So the look becomes very natural. For elegant, larger curls, you can take a curling iron on low heat and then easily fix it with hairspray. If you want even more volume in the approach, you can blow dry your hair over your head with a diffuser and refresh the approach, for example, with dry shampoo.

“Nymph Salt Spray” von Authentic Beauty Concept

“Curve Classic” curling rod from GHD

From the dyson to the curling iron or smoothing iron: these tools are perfect to put the hair in curls to the next hair wash.

Make curls for a day - without heat

If you do not have any tools or are on the road, you can also use these six different methods to conjure up your curls:

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