Hat hairstyle in winter: 10 helpful tips for perfect hair styling

Hat hairstyle in winter: 10 helpful tips for perfect hair styling

Who does not know that: As soon as the hat is off, the hair either flys in all directions or glue flatly pressed on the head. There is no trace of the once such meticulous styling. But at the expense ofBabbern? Not optimal either. After all, the body releases a large part of its warmth over the head and reacts up to five times more sensitive to cold than in other places. So:open again and not despair. Because we give you simple tips and tricks on how your hair remains perfectly styled even despite chubby headgear.

Hair styling in winter: This is how your hat hairstyle remains in shape

We show you the best tips and tricks on how you stage your hair - despite or precisely because of your favorite hat.

1. Tip: Rinse after washing

The extraportion of moisture not only smoothes the hair structure, but also prevents the hair from charging static and "flies" after stopping the hat.

2. Tip: apply hair treatment

Hair areas that have become porous by hats and heating air are smoothed again by the once or twice a week.

3. Tip: Leave-in conditioner or anti-frizz serum

If the hair is not on the way as you should, a Leave-in conditioner orRescue quickly in your handbag. So it is quickly remedied when the hair flies again. Small travel sizes that don't weigh much and can be stowed away are perfectly suitable.

4. Tip: build volume

If you wear a hat, your hair can be pressed flat. Use a volume powder or an approach spray to generate more fullness before you put on the hat. So your look remains voluminous even after removing the hat.

5. Tip: dry hair properly

Let your hair dry after washing before you put on the hat so that they are not static. Meanwhile, make sure that you pull as many strands as possible over the (round) brush as possible. So the individual strands of hair get more support and do not collapse so quickly.

6. Tip: Lichenurfärsen

If you want a practical but still stylish hairstyle, you should try a relaxed braided hairstyle. As a result, the hair remained in shape even after having to wear, and you avoid that the hairstyle looks flat.

7. Tip: wear cotton hats

Cotton hats do not warm as well as the headgear made of sheep or new new wool, but leave more oxygen to the hair. So this can breathe better and does not fall together so quickly.

8. Tip: Avoid static charge

If you don't want to do without your beloved wool hat, you should tie a silk or satin scarf around your hair and only then put on the hat. The fine fabric protects perfectly from the rough wool fibers and thus prevents the hair from charging.

9. Tip: Roughly knitted hat

In order to offer the hair a lot of space, large or roughly embroidered headgear are a good choice. In this way, voluminous hairstyles are particularly better.

10. Tip: wear the hat correctly

Make sure not to wear your hat too tight. This can destroy your hairstyle by flattening your hair or even causing frizz. In addition, you should change your hat regularly or have it left after wearing it for a long time.

Inspiration pleasing? These are best hats for every hair length

Bob Plus hat

The bob is currently not only one of the trend hairstyles, but also looks super beautiful in combination with hats of all kinds. The jaw can easily flash out under the hat.

Pony with a hat

Also withThe hats hairstyle looks great. You can put a longer pony over your forehead.

Combined lure with a hat

Despite the hat, of course, you don't have to go to a blowout hairstyle orwaive. With the tips mentioned above, the elegant hair styling is guaranteed all day.

Hair Tuck with a hat

The so -called Hair Tuck works very well with long, smooth hair. In this way, the hair is simply inserted into the jacket or in the sweater instead of wearing it over the coat as usual.

Braided hairstyle with a hat

As already mentioned, braided hairstyles are not only gentle on your hair, but also look stylish in combination with a hat.

Hat hairstyle for medium -length hair

Similar to the bob, medium -length hair is totally trendy again and together with a hat the ideal combination for winter.