10 tips against sore muscles: So you can get rid of it quickly

With these tips you can get rid of sore muscles quickly

Whether oneIn the mountains, thatOr a short one: A decent sore muscles is often the result of sport - especially if you don't warm up properly and then stretch your muscles. Most of us know that. Sometimes sore muscles can feel really good because it reminds you of what you did. Until it gets too painful. Often this moment only occurs on the second or even third day.

Then a nasty pull spreads out in the muscles - an uncomfortable feeling that many movements no longer make possible without pain (we only say: rely on the toilet!). Almost everyone: R had this pain before, but explain where it comes from? It's not that easy! The good news: With these 10 tips you can get rid of sore muscles quickly.

What is sore muscles?

For a long time you didn't really know where sore muscles actually came from and blamed the muscles after training or even a wrong nutrition. But Dr. Otto Zelger from the Center for Prevention and Sports Medicine at the Technical University of Munich knows better today: “A sore muscles are a micro -injury in the muscles. Painful swelling then occurs around this 'mini-cracks'. ” But don't worry: the whole thing sounds more dangerous than it is. The sore muscles have no consequences for the health of the body. It can only be really dangerous with permanent, excessive fitness or overtraining, for example in professional sports, which can have followed for a long time such as muscle loss or fatigue and is definitely no longer healthy.

Can I do sports with sore muscles again?

The answer is: better not. After it is a minor injury, you should give your body a few days of rest until the pain has disappeared and not with. On the third day you can start with moderate training. Basically, however, the following applies: only as much as it feels good.

How does sore muscles arise?

"Sore muscles arise when the muscles are exposed to unusual stress in sports, fitness or everyday movements or if you are loaded too much," explains Dr. Zelger. "Sore muscles are often a warning signal that was a bit too much during fitness training yesterday or that the body is not sufficiently strengthened in certain places." So it can happen that someone who is fit also gets a sore muscles. And: It can occur in the legs and arms as well as in the stomach, back or in the chest - just wherever muscles are located. AsThen make nasty pull in the affected muscle and weakness.

Prevent sore muscles: This is how it works

What helps against sore muscles? Basically, the motto is: Avoid sore muscles best! "The most effective is prevented by carrying out many different exercises during sports and not over -strained the same muscle," said the sports doctor. "It is also important to train regularly." Another advice from the expert: “After a training break, you should definitely take it easy so as not to take over the muscles again.

Prevent sore muscles: exercises before the workout

To prevent sore muscles, a reasonable warm-up is crucial. It is best to always plan for about five to ten minutes.

  • Exercise 1: Cardio to warm up. Whether you move on the stepper, drive a bike or just jog or bounce on the spot - everything that warms up the muscles helps. Important: Try to warm up the target muscles here. If you want to train legs, choose the stepper, the upper body is on the plan, prefer the rowing device.
  • Exercise 2: Dynamic stretching. Prepare the corresponding muscle parts for the movements by gently and dynamically stretch them. This means that you make light micro movements in stretching to go deeper into the stretch and then relieve them again. For example, put yourself together, your feet together. Then you lean forward in one prevention and try to touch the floor with your hands. The legs remain stretched out. Wipper with your hands always slightly up and down to get deeper. For example, you prepare the back of the leg for the leg biceps machine in the gym.
  • Exercise 3: Now start carefully with the first actual exercise for which you came, or the sport, but without difficult conditions. For training in the gym, this means: Do the exercise without an additional weight. Walk loosely while jogging, slowly cycle off when cycling in first gear.

If you observe these exercises for warming up before every training session, you can still get sore muscles with extreme units. In any case, the muscle is warmed up and prepared for the respective sport, so that movements are less unusual and the micro injuries in the muscle can arise less quickly.

You can find more stretching exercises here:

Prevent sore muscles: exercises right after the workout

To prevent sore muscles, the exercise and warming up before training is much more important than the exercises after training. Which exercises you do after training are decisive for everyone who wants to get rid of the sore muscles quickly.

  • Exercise 1: Similar to the warm-up, after sport, a cool-down with very light endurance training helps to promote blood circulation and to support the removal of waste products such as lactic acid.
  • Exercise 2: Here, too, stretching exercises of the stressed muscle group help. Important: Better stretch static after the workout (i.e. without rocker movements), since the respective muscle is already irritated and stressed. Depending on which muscle was used intensively, hamstring stretches, quadriceps stretch or the cat-cow movement could support.
  • Exercise 3: If you have a little more time, you can add a short fascia training to the workout. If you believe the latest studies, fascia (fiber net that stabilizes the muscles) are significantly involved in the formation of sore muscles and many other factors that affect health. Grab a foam roller and specifically roll the muscle group over it. This can hurt a little, but the connective tissue loosens up properly. Tip: Most people make the exercises too fleeting. So that the rolling is also worthwhile, you should stay with a fascia for at least two minutes.

So what can you do so that the sore muscles go away faster? A message in advance: "There is no miracle cure," said Dr. Zelger. "There are no scientifically proven methods that help in the event of acute." Nevertheless, there are a few tips on how to alleviate your sore muscles and the associated symptoms. "Unfortunately, you cannot let small muscle tears and swelling heal faster," says Dr. Otto Zelger. How long does it take for sore muscles to be gone? "Waiting is most likely to help, and about three days after sport the sore muscles are over again!" Pain relievers such as ibuprofen in sore muscles can also align little, they can alleviate, but they do nothing. Home remedies are most likely to be worthwhile that have proven themselves for a long time and at least relieve the pain. Professional athletes also swear by this: inside.

Anyone who once had muscle pain knows that the thought of a warm bath alone alleviates it significantly. The warmth helps us relax and ensures that the muscles are better supplied with blood. Additions with spruce needles or rosemary (also promoting blood circulation) should also alleviate the pain. If you don't like bathrooms, for example, you can lie down a hot water bottle on the affected area or go to the sauna.

Here the emphasis is clearly on “easy” training, because as mentioned right now, you should not go full throttle with a sore muscles. To warm up the muscles again, it can be worth moving. Light stretching exercises or a walk, for example. At best, you shouldn't take the muscle directly, which suffers from sore muscles.

Many gels or body lotions promise relief in the event of overuse. You can only help directly against the symptoms and not the cause. For example, cooling fluids with a mountain pine provide fast relief through the circulatory-promoting effect, or you immediately focus on special sore muscles.

You shouldn't overdo it, but slight stretching exercises can immediately reduce sore muscles. It is best to do the usual exercises very easily.

Yes, easy training can help. But if it hurts too much, you can just take a break. You should even. Because the muscle takes time to regenerate and then grow. Anyone who starts too early stops this process. And if the sore muscles really hurt, it is usually not an option anyway.

Light massages stimulate blood circulation, which in turn supports regeneration and can help relieve pain or at least shorten the period of the complaint. Particularly important: Here too, the emphasis is easy. A massage should always be gentle. Intensive pressure could also put a strain on the already damaged muscle fibers - and, if in doubt, lead to more pain.

Tip 7: Light fascia training

We have now noticed that everything related to training or pressure on the muscle fibers should take place carefully and easily. So also the fascia training. As is well known, fascia is the connective tissue structures that envelop the muscles and organs. And you can train them. Why should you do that? Due to the training on the fascia roll, the connective tissue becomes smoother and you generally more agile. How do you help to get rid of sore muscles quickly? The light stretching and massage exercises also stimulate blood circulation, and that in turn suggests the body to remove inflamed tissue particles and regenerate faster. Fascia training plays a crucial role in muscle regeneration.

Protein helps reconstruction the muscles. Why? Because each individual muscles consists of proteins. Strictly speaking, proteins make up 20 percent of each muscle. Therefore, a protein -rich snack (e.g. curd cheese, nuts or a shake) can support regeneration after training. How much of it you need? The rule of thumb is: 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight support muscle building.

Regeneration primarily refers to the muscles, but since everything belongs together in the body, sleep is also crucial for the muscles. Because these grow and regenerate overnight - like everything else. The more sleep you treat your body and muscles, the faster you can get rid of the sore muscles.

Tip 10: Drink a lot of water

While our muscles consist of protein, the rest of them are water. No wonder that it promotes muscle growth when the muscles get more water. That is why drinking a lot of water helps against sore muscles.