Collagen powder review: The 15 best supplements and everything you need to know about them
The hype surrounding the best collagen powders is hard to ignore. Nowadays they are available in all imaginable shapes and flavors - whether as powder, gummy bears, liquids or– and they all promise a variety of benefits.
But the question remains: Do collagen powders work?actually?We interviewed nutrition experts, doctors and beauticians to clarify the facts and show you the best products in our collagen powder test.
JUMP TO:The best collagen supplements at a glance|Does taking collagen supplements help? Our experts know it exactly|What is collagen and what are its benefits?|What does collagen powder do for the body?|Which form of collagen is most effective?|The 15 best collagen powders in comparison
The best collagen supplements at a glance:
Does taking collagen supplements help? Our experts know it exactly
- Dr. Elif That's right,Dermatologist and expert in medical aesthetics
- Dr. Grace Hula,Family doctor, aesthetic doctor and founder of G&M Healthcare
Although research is still limited, there is more than enough to support the benefits of taking collagen supplements. Do you need proof? According to one inInternational Journal of DermatologyIn a published research and analysis involving over 1,000 participants, those who took collagen supplements reported “increased skin firmness, suppleness and moisture levels, with wrinkles appearing less noticeable.”
But not all collagen powders are created equal: "Most don't even reach the gut, where 99 percent of the nutrients are absorbed," explains Pupinder S. Ghatora, co-founder of collagen and wellness supplement brand Ingenious. Additionally, factors such as the concentration and type of collagen play a large role when it comes to assessing how effective the formula can be in the long term.
As for the benefits of collagen, the good news is that there are quite a few. And before you say it: No, they're not just limited to shinier things, radiantand stronger nails (although we don't rule that out, of course). Collagen is found in connective tissues such as skin, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. It supports the structure and helps maintain the elasticity and strength of this tissue. “It also contributes to the health of the intestinal mucosa,” saysDr. Grace Hula, general practitioner, aesthetic doctor and founder of G&M Healthcare.
And as if that wasn't enough, collagen works, according to the dermatologist and medical aesthetics expert,Dr. Elif That's right, also works wonders for muscle health, notably by “promoting the synthesis of muscle proteins such as creatine and stimulating muscle growth after exercise.”
Long story short: a healthy (and regular) dose of collagen powder can help youmuchbring more than just a few beauty enhancements, and these are the best proven options for you to consider.
What is collagen and what are the benefits?
Collagen is a structural protein composed of essential amino acids such as proline, glycine and hydroxyproline. It is also one of the most important building blocks, making up 30 percent of our body protein, and plays a key role in giving us a plumper, healthier and more supple complexion.
Dr. Grace Hula, general practitioner, aesthetic doctor and founder of G&M Healthcare, explains that taking collagen supplements “can be beneficial for people of different ages. Younger people can use them for skin perfecting and prevention, while older people can find relief from joint pain,” she explains. However, it is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional before taking any dietary supplements, especially for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.