9 Things Your Child Really Doesn't Need (and Why You Should Avoid Them)

It's the most normal thing in the world for parents to want to make everything possible for their offspring. However, this is exactly what the industry is taking advantage of. Companies and producers flood the baby and children's market with products, toys and supposed aids. Parenting guides let us know what we definitely have to do and what we should definitely not do.

And suddenly as a parent you buy a potty or training wheels, 10 parenting guides and 20 craft books with templates and in the end none of them are used.

We have already provided all of this and much more.

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No child needs that

In order to protect you and your wallet from the classic bad purchases, we asked the editorial team which items absolutely no one needed. And we've been racking our brains about it for absolutely nothing. Then you'll know what to stay away from in the future.

Support wheels

In order to ride a bike or balance bike, children need balance. But training wheels don't help at all with learning them. Quite the opposite, actually. They convey a level of safety when driving that the child doesn't yet have.

So instead of putting extra wheels on your child's balance bike or bicycle, it's better to run next to your child in a crouched position for the first few attempts at riding. And before you know it, it's driving independently (and way too fast for us parents) across meadows and paths.

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is undoubtedly important for children's development. After all, they should take off the diaper at some point. However, you shouldn't take training so literally and do without the potty with a clear conscience.

It is much better if the child learns directly where he can relieve himself. Namely not in the kitchen next to the stove and refrigerator and not in the living room in front of the flickering television, but only in the bathroom on the toilet.

What is really practical when it comes to toilet training is a toilet seat for children that you can simply place on the glasses or slide between the ceramic and the toilet seat. This means even the littlest ones can sit safely on the toilet.

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Baby shoes

Admittedly, the little sneakers in size 15 or 16 look cute. But they are nothing more than decoration. Because babies don't need shoes when they're lying around. And when they are ready to try running for the first time, they do much better barefoot or just in socks. In this way, you train the muscles in your feet that are important for running.

Baby walker

Speaking of learning to walk. Please do not buy a baby walker or get one as a gift. These things don't have brakes. Once in motion they are extremely dangerous for the little ones. Either children fall so awkwardly that they hit their head on the handrail or they hold the car so tightly that they break their fall with their face.

Even if it's strenuous, give the little ones your hands as they try to run. If you do particularly targeted exercises for your back health during this time, you can avoid lumbago.

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Diaper bag

It may sound fantastic, but to carry a child's diapers, changing mat, and change of clothes, you don't have to pack them in a diaper bag. They can easily be packed into a standard backpack or even a handbag. Even a simple jute bag serves its purpose here. And with a little skill and two snap hooks, these normal bags and pouches can even be attached to the stroller.

Expensive, new clothes

Babies and toddlers in particular grow so quickly that you've barely taken the rompers and pants out of the shopping cart and they no longer fit. That's why it's absolutely not worth investing in expensive branded clothes.

It is more ecological and cost-effective to shop for second-hand children's things. This is how you do something for the environment and your wallet.

Your own room

Children need their parents in the first few months of life, ideally around the clock. That's why there's no reason to have your own room in the first two, three or even four years of life. With one exception: If the child asks if they want their own room with their own bed, then parents should comply with this wish if possible.

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Money for housework and good grades

If you pay your child to regularly take out the trash or empty the dishwasher, you are giving the task completely the wrong focus. Instead of helping and pitching in because you want to support the parents or get things done quicker together, the child is only motivated to help because they get money for it. It helps because it can enrich you materially.

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The same applies to paying for good school grades. Instead of developing the motivation to want to be good, the child makes an effort for others. More specifically for his parents. Your recognition in the form of money is what motivates it.

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Perfect parents

Thank God we all make mistakes (including the ones just mentioned above) and show our children that we are not perfect and don't have to be. Because mistakes are part of life. Recognizing them, fixing them and growing from them is what children need, see and experience.

And what are your bad purchases or missteps when it comes to raising children? Please let us know on Facebook or Instagram. We look forward to lots of news.

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