Parent-child relationship: 5 signs to recognize good parents

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Are we good parents? We tell you which characteristics are crucial for a good parent-child relationship.

As parents, we want our children to become self-confident people who know when to stand up for themselves and others, that it is not a weakness to make mistakes or to apologize and especially not to show feelings. We just want them to be able to be themselves, always and everywhere.

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But how do you know that, despite the self-doubt that plagues us parents from time to time and the rolling eyes that our children give us, you are on the right path to being a good parent and a good parent?

Children's opinions are respected

Good interpersonal relationships are always based on mutual respect. That is, parents who treat their children with respect are good parents. But how does this show up? For example, that a child's opinion always has value. That parents take their child, their needs and wishes seriously. That parents and children can discuss and negotiate with each other. Instead of pressure or threats of punishment, good parents are willing to compromise.

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If our children learn from us what it means to respect another person and their, sometimes completely different, opinion, this will help them later in life to be able to deal with many different people.

Parents take care of themselves

Good parents not only take loving care of their children, but also of themselves. Taking time for yourself is also important as a parent and is not at all selfish. Because time for yourself makes you happy. Being able to pursue your own hobbies and desires makes you happy. And that also rubs off on the children.

Anyone who knows their own worth also knows how to respect and recognize that of others.

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The children are trusted

Good parents show trust in their child. With small children, this primarily means letting them fall down and get up on their own. And the older they get, it means allowing them freedom and also mistakes.

In principle, good parents can let go at the crucial points because they can trust that their child will make the right decision. Or when in doubt, know that his parents will help him if it was the wrong one. So good parents trust their child and their child trusts them.

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There is never any withdrawal of love

Love for the child should not be used as a means of pressure. It must not be renounced if it acts differently than its parents wish. Good parents therefore do not attach any conditions to their love for their child. They let it know that it is just right as it is and that it is loved.

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All feelings are okay

No one always goes through life in a good mood and happy. Not even parents. The more openly we can convey to our children what depresses us, stresses us, makes us sad or simply puts us in a bad mood, the better. Showing feelings is never a weakness.

Being able to express what we are feeling helps us parents cope and others understand us. This also applies to our children. Ultimately, learning something about your own feelings also helps you to be able to react empathetically to other people.

Important note at the end:The information and tips in this article are suggestions only. Every child is different and reacts in their own way. It is therefore important that you listen to your child and find out which path is best for you.