Current education: 8 skills that children are missing today

There are things that we have learned as children who no longer learn our children today. And even if of course not everything was better in the past, there are a few things that are really a shame that they fell by the wayside.

Sure, our society has become more careful. Today the individual counts more than the adaptation. Our children, who just grow up differently, also benefit from this than we used to. Just as many of us have grown very differently than the generation in front of us.

No child today has to give the aunt a kiss if it doesn't want it. Permanent seating at school has long been outdated. So there is a lot of things that are good and useful today. But it is a shame about one or the other ability we learned. What do you all mean?

Also read:

#1 Bind shoes

There are much more important things than being able to bind shoes, we agree. In addition, the range of Velcro shoes (also for adults) is huge.

And yet it is sometimes frightening how many children, even at 9, 10 or 11 years old, are unable to bind laces into a loop. Simply because nobody practices it with the children anymore. Kindergarten children already have the dexterity of learning.

Also read:

#2 sit at the table (stay)

Many children are no longer patient to sit at a table for a whole meal. It is fidgeted and upstairs, ran through the room or done nonsense.

Also read:

This may not be a problem in your own four walls, especially if the parents don't bother. However, it becomes a problem if the children do it in a restaurant.

Parents often only notice in such situations that the children cannot do it. Either, you then avoid visits to the restaurant with the offspring or you just practice sitting at the table together.

Also read:

#3 housework

Suction robot, dishwasher, dryer: Hardly any child is still integrated into the domestic duties today. The children absolutely do not harm the children to suck their own room or to help the parents to be washed off or dry. On the contrary, even. Because the responsibility you take with it helps your self -confidence and makes you fit for the future.

Children from the age of three can actively touch at home and, for example, cover the table or give the dishwasher after eating.

Also read:

#4 busy alone and sometimes bored

What would we have earlier to have a portable TV with us on long vacation car rides or train trips? This is exactly what our children have today and it is a curse and a blessing at the same time.

Because if the offspring is boring, it does not come up (stupid) ideas and builds, paints or 'invents' something. No, today are iPad, laptop and cell phone the ultimate boredom killer. Permanent sound instead of imagination and creativity. We parents really have to put ourselves on their own nose.

Also read:

#5 use freedoms

After breakfast you picked up your friends to play, at lunchtime you flashed home just in time, just to play outside with your friends after the midday rest (1pm to 3pm). When it got dark, you had to go home. Nobody was interested in what we did where where.

Our children today meet for video calls, meet friends to shop in the city and are otherwise difficult to get fresh air. Equipped with a cell phone, we parents always know where the offspring is pouring around. Somehow that doesn't sound like freedom and trying out.

Also read:

#6 be reliable

If you had agreed with the parents a time to be at home, you just had to be on time, otherwise there was trouble. Just calling on the go was not possible without a cell phone (unless you happened to have money for the phone booth).

Today the children don't see it so closely with punctuality. A short WhatsApp or a call is enough and the parents know. In a way, they also show reliability, because they remember to inform the parents that they will come later. However, the message often only arrives when you are actually at home.

Reading tip:

#7 Learn independence and responsibility

Nothing made us proud in the past than walking home with a key around our neck after school and being alone there. So -called key children are rarely found today.

It is certainly nice for children to know someone at home or not have to be responsible for a younger sibling if you are only 10 or 11 years old yourself. But it's a bit of a shame that we grant our children so little independence today. Because if we are honest, we have grown more at such moments than to have suffered from them.

#8 Take care of the family

There was exactly one television and a cable phone in the living room. There was agreed what you look together or you went to bed earlier. On the phone, it was either on the phone with a whisper voice in the living room or the telephone cable was strained at a maximum and put yourself in the hallway.

Today families have several televisions and streaming services and rarely sit together in front of the TV. No one has to be considerate when making calls, because thanks to the cell phone, everyone has their own connection.

Important note at the end:In addition to the things that children can no longer or learn today, there are of course a lot that they can. And which you can do much better than we do.

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