Parenting: 4 things that make parents happier

© AdobeStock/ Olena Yakobchuk

In the video: Secrets of happy parents

You become truly happy as a parent and family when you stay completely with yourself. You can read how it works here.

There is a saying that says that every person is the architect of his own happiness. As nice as that sounds, unfortunately it's not entirely true. In many areas of life, fate has to be kind to you and you are in the right place at the right time.

But none of us are completely powerless when it comes to happiness. And before I get all philosophical, I would like to tell you what you can actively do as a parent so that you can lead a happier life with your partner and offspring.

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Forget comparing yourself to others

We humans always look a little jealously to the left and right. After all, the grass is always greener with the neighbors. But no more for those who want to be happy! Instead of looking at what others are supposedly doing better, you should stick to yourself.

Because it's not a given that you can just go shopping when you're missing something, be it food or other things. And that without having to worry about running out of money for the month. It is not a given that you can take time for yourself, your family and your friends. And it is not a given that you and everyone you love is healthy.

And these are just a few of the things we too often take for granted. We should think about the little joys of everyday life much more often. We have all achieved things in our lives and taken steps that we may not have even thought of before. Realizing this immediately makes you happier.

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Avoids perfectionism

If you don't compare yourself with others, you can make much more realistic demands on your own life. Because it's not always just the best that can make us happy. Especially not when we would have to literally sacrifice ourselves to achieve it. In addition, mistakes are part of life and are allowed to happen. Both our children and us. They make us grow and become stronger.

This applies to the job, everyday life and upbringing. Anyone who has realistic expectations of their own life will be able to fulfill them and therefore lead a happier life.

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Cancel appointments

Parents' lives definitely need to be slowed down. Job, household, children's and own hobbies, doctor's appointments - there are hardly any days for parents when nothing needs to be done. Stop it. Consciously create space for yourself to recharge your batteries. Cancel appointments that are not absolutely necessary, send your children off alone or with other parents (if their age allows) or simply leave something behind.

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Enjoy family time or just relax thanks to the freedom created in this way. Gather strength for the days that have to be more stressful. Anyone who ultimately manages to balance stressful and relaxing days will be happier.

Take your time

Of course, as parents you help and do a lot to ensure that the children are well and have full capacity. Far too often, we parents neglect ourselves. And often it is us mothers who find ourselves at the back of the chain of needs. But only those who know what they want or need can be happy.

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That's why parents who take time for themselves, both couple time and alone time, are happier. So, take your time. If necessary, with a fixed date in the calendar that reminds you that you are not just parents.