Shyness does not have to be an obstacle! With these 5 tips you strengthen your child's confidence, sensitive and suitable for everyday use.
While some people are open and talkative, others find it difficult with other people and new situations. If your child is one of the people who become very quiet and quiet outside of their own four walls, then it may be just shy.
It is no problem introverted or shy. However, if you have the feeling that your child's shyness limits it excessively, then you should work together.
Sometimes it is not so easy to lure a shy child out of his snail house. However, there are a few ways to encourage his reserved child.
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Be in events earlier
Shy children usually take a little longer to warm up with strangers and environments. So you can help your child a lot if you just come to an event or an appointment a few minutes.
So your child has time to familiarize themselves with the surroundings and maybe already contact one or two other children present. Your child has already found the first point of contact and feels comfortable before the majority of the other guests arrive.
At the same time, overcoming your child is not so big to address other children. After all, a few children are by no means as intimidating as a large group that you have to find.
Forget the sentence "You/he is shy"
In our society, unfortunately, we have the habit of categorizing people very quickly. We don't stop at children either. If your child is asked a question and hesitating it, do not jump in between and say that it is "only shy". Also make sure that other adults do not jump in and your child ask whether it would be a little shy today.
Children who are said again and again that they are shy, believe it at some point and then behave accordingly. The simplest trick to promote shy children is to give them a real chance of overcoming their shyness. Without being put in a drawer.
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Give your child sentence to your hand
If we stay with the example that your child hesitates to answer a question, it can help if you step into some suggestions. Of course, this does not mean that you should speak for your child. Give him a moment to think about an answer. The more opportunities it has to speak for yourself, the safer it becomes.
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However, if you notice that it is hesitant because it does not know how it should react, you can give your child answers for frequent everyday situations. Leads fictional conversations at home and searches together for sentences and phrases that would fit. Or practice this in joint role -playing games.
Over time, your child will learn which answer is on what opportunity. This gives it self -confidence in order to be able to answer all alone at some point.
Sometimes let it feel uncomfortable
You would like to protect your child from every problem. If you do that, you only help him at short notice. In the long term, shy children benefit more if they learn to find their way in situations in which they are confronted with their shyness.
This is how you learn that you may feel uncomfortable at the beginning, but after a time cope in the unusual environment and maybe even find new friends. This increases your confidence and maybe one day you even take off your shyness.
You should avoid these educational errors
All children go through different development phases in which they are more open -minded and sometimes more reserved. Time and patience are particularly important here. Instead of plunge into situations in which it is forced to communicate with others, you should be careful. Otherwise you risk that the child is literally developing fears before (new) social contacts.
Therefore, you should also practice reluctance when planning leisure time for a shy child. Take a look for potential hobbies together with your child and let it decide for themselves what it wants to do. Your own drive is crucial for how comfortable a child feels with others. In addition, there can be a big thrust self -confidence if it realizes that his wishes and decisions count.
Compare with other, the same age or younger children who seem much more open -minded than their own child, nobody help. They only create pressure. Or may even give the impression that it is something bad to be reserved and shy.
Important note at the end:The information and tips in this article are only suggestions. Every child is different and reacts in its own way. It is therefore important that you go into your child and find out which way is the best for you.
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