Would we now do a street survey according to the...Favorite foodMost people ask, the response rate would be probably very high. Because soul food is always and everywhere, which is why we can't get enough of Quattro Formaggi, Speciale and Funghi. Now who wants something?Varietyhas come to the right place, because we interpret the popular onenew: ascasserole. Like oneLasagnein the rectangular shape, but as a pizza version. Thisfor thePizza casseroleEveryone has to try it now!
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Extraordinary feel-good recipe: This is how the pizza casserole works
- some fat
For the tomato minced meat sauce:
- 250 g peppers
- 1 bunch of spring onions
- 140 g corn (drained)
- 2 tbsp cooking oil, e.g. B. Olive oil
- 400 g minced meat (mixed)
- 1 tbsp tomato paste
- 400g chopped tomatoes
- Salt
- Pfeffer
- 2 EL Crème fraîche
- 375 g wheat flour
- 1 pack of yeast dough guarantee
- 200 ml water
- 2 tbsp cooking oil, e.g. B. Olive oil
- ½ tsp salt
- about 10 slices of salami
- 150g grated cheese
- chopped basil leaves
- First is the baking dishgreased.
- DiePaprikaandSpring onionslet's cut it small and thatMoreLet's pour it off now.
- Now it's up to themTomato mince sauce:That's why we fry thisminced meatHeat well in a large pan with a little oil and after a short time add tomato paste. Thechopped tomatoes, peppers, spring onions, and thatMoreThey also go into the pan and everything is left to simmer for about ten minutes. WithSaltandPfefferseason as desired and thesour creamstir in.
- If you prepare the pizza dough yourself, mix it in a bowlFlourwith theYeast dough guaranteedand gives hookupwater, oilandSaltadded. Mix everything well with a dough hook, pour the dough into the mold and press it flat with your hands. Otherwise, if you don't have enough time, a ready-made dough will work, as the first baking time will be reduced slightly.
- Pour the tomato mince mixture onto the doughgrated cheeseSprinkle on top and leave in the preheated ovenBake at top/bottom heat at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
- After 20 minutes, take the casserole dish out of the oven and add itSalami slicesTop and bake again for ten minutes.
- Before serving, top the pizza casserole with fresh slicesBasilSprinkle and enjoy.
By the way:The pizza casserole can of course be modified as desired. If you prefer to eat cooked ham instead of salami or would rather use tuna instead of minced meat, simply swap the ingredients here. Also oneA variant with a vegan minced alternative or various vegetables is made easy. Want more four-cheese enjoyment? Simply create your very own mixture as a topping.