Scientifically Proven: A Child's Intelligence Comes From Mom (And These 7 Things Too)

In most cases our children are a good mix of mom and dad. They have mom's eyes, dad's hair and the intelligence of... well, who? Science provides hard evidence.

There is a persistent rumor that mathematical talent was a gift from his father - of course only because he must have once been the math genius at school. Let me tell you: This is a real myth!

In fact, girls and women are just as likely to have a knack for numbers as men. And while we're at it: a child's intelligence is by no means only due to their dad. The mother's mental capacity plays a crucial role in what her children will do later in school and in their careers.

Intelligence comes from mom

We've already hinted at it, but actually it hasScience now also proventhat the child's IQ depends on mom's intelligence. It has long been thought that breastfeeding and mother's milk improve a child's intelligence. In fact, it's mom's genetic makeup. According to science, intelligence 'lies' in X chromosomes. And because women have two of them, the chance that the child will inherit mom's intelligence is twice as great.

And yes dads, we can reassure you. A smart mom will most likely choose a smart dad. So you can also contribute to the intelligence of your offspring. Furthermore, pure inheritance of intelligence is not enough. The social environment, the support of the offspring and the emotional bond with the parents also have an influence.

According to oneStudyThe result of the IQ test can only be partially explained by genetics. The other half? This arises from your very personal life circumstances.

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But that's not all that children inherit from their mothers! They also owe these 7 things to their mother:

1. Sleep habits

Babies have to learn to sleep first. And this is exactly where it will be decided how the little ones will sleep in the future. As a rule, mom is at home with the offspring for the first time. That's why baby directly adopts mom's sleep rhythm. Staying in bed for a long time in the morning, lying down after lunch, then relaxing in bed in the evening - baby learns from mom how to sleep. And it stays that way throughout its life.

2. Hair color and texture

We all learned in biology class at school that dominant genes override recessive genes. This also applies to the hair color of the offspring. Although many children are blonde at the beginning of their lives, if their mother has dark hair, you can also see the offspring's hair getting darker.

And the hair structure of the offspring is similar to hair color. If mom has fine, straight hair, then the child is unlikely to be blessed with curls. Of course there are always exceptions.

3. Temperament

At some point, children become a mirror for parents. If mom had a quick temper, you can be sure that the offspring will also follow her in this area. Anyone who previously tended to throw folders and other school supplies around out of frustration should not be surprised if their own child reacts similarly in similar situations.

During puberty, however, the temperament thing is somewhat suspended. Here the offspring can follow their mother's footsteps and of course not cause any 'problems' at all. Because this development phase has its own rules, the only thing that helps is to wait and stay calm.

4. Eating habits

If healthy and balanced meals are served at home, the child takes care of them. Depending on who does the lion's share of cooking at home, they also lay the foundation for a healthy diet for their offspring in adulthood. Most of the time - and that doesn't mean we approve of it - it's still the mothers who do it.

5. Migraines

Unfortunately, women are affected by nasty migraine attacks more often than men. If mom suffers from it, then the likelihood that her child will suffer from it also increases.

6. Be right or left handed

If mom is left-handed, then the child's left hand will most likely be the dominant one, regardless of dad's handedness.

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7. Immune system

The mother's microbiome is a central factor in the development of the immune system in children. The “microbiome” refers to the entirety of all genetic information from bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes (the so-called microbiota) that colonize our intestines, skin and other areas of the body.

Interestingly, the microbial colonization of the child probably begins in the womb and increases in diversity in the phases surrounding birth and thereafter.

Good to know:During a cesarean section, the newborn does not come into direct contact with the important bacteria from the birth canal. But there is a solution through a method called “vaginal seeding”. The bacteria are artificially transferred from the birth canal to the newborn. However, he reportsMDR, giving antibiotics too early before surgery can disrupt this process.Studieshave found that delayed antibiotic administration to the mother can improve the child's microbiome.

Another key player in the development of immune defense is breast milk, which supports the child's immune system with bioactive proteins such as antibodies, cytokines, defensins and lactoferrin. These ingredients protect the child from infections, inflammation and allergies.

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