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Christmas gift ideas for teenagers
Almost nothing is more difficult than giving a teen a Christmas present when he or she doesn't express a wish. After all, you don't want to give anything away. We know advice!
Life as a teenager is pretty hard. Parents always want to know something, but adolescents themselves hardly know what they want. To the dismay of many parents, this also applies to Christmas wishes. Mom and dad run around the shops disoriented, looking for attention for their pubescent offspring.
You should definitely stay away from hygiene products such as shower gel or deodorant under the Christmas tree unless this is explicitly requested. A teenager could misunderstand that. What can you give instead? We have collected a few ideas.
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Your own room
When the little ones aren't out and about with their friends, they love to retreat to their own four walls. So how about a chilled out beanbag (here on Amazon)*, LED lighting for cupboards or desks or a chic, indirect light source? lava lamps (for example here on Amazon)* are slowly enjoying great popularity again.
Technik & Gadgets
Smartphones, tablets and PCs are indispensable in the lives of teenagers. From the new mobile phone case to additions for tablets or PCs, everything is possible. Classic (console) gaming children, for example, will certainly be happy about a gaming (office) chair. However, they aren't exactly cheap. A little smaller, but also guaranteed to be a joy for PC gamers, is a gaming mouse (e.g. B. here on Amazon)* and/or the gaming keyboard (view here on Amazon)*.
If the child is already interested in technology and especially computers, a programming course can be a great Christmas surprise. These are available both as online workshops and stationary in larger cities.
If your child is really into music, you can also use a record player (Discover here on Amazon)* including the first vinyls will be a great surprise under the Christmas tree. Add a few headphones that grandparents or other relatives can give as gifts and your little ones can listen to their favorite tracks at full volume without anyone else in the family feeling disturbed.
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DIY projects
Your child is passionate about painting? Then an easel or a large painting case (order here from Amazon)* filled with paints, pens and lots of accessories hit the mark.
Is your teen currently very interested in fashion and designs? Then a sewing machine would be the ideal gift under the Christmas tree. Paired with a sewing machine course, nothing stands in the way of your own collection. If you don't want to use the full resources, you can first develop your child's needle and thread dexterity with an embroidery starter kit (Shop here on Amazon)* train. This can also be used to personalize simple clothes.
Reading tips:
Technology-savvy children probably can't do anything with a paint box or a needle and thread. Depending on your area of interest, a construction set, for example for a solar robot, or a mini course can cause cheers under the Christmas tree. For example, there are sets for learning to solder, building a controller board or even building your own radio (Discover here on Amazonand have it delivered by Christmas)*.
Important note: You know your child, even if he or she has distanced himself from you when he enters puberty. If you think about what or who your child likes, you're sure to find just the right gift. And if you can't think of anything, you still have the option of giving your child a voucher or money. But you should also keep a few things in mind. You can read exactly which ones here:
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