Curly Girl Method: Get natural curls in just 7 steps

Beautiful natural waves made easy: with the Curly Girl method and these simple instructions, it's guaranteed to work.

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Many of us have it naturally, without knowing it. But the curls don't appear because we use the wrong products and don't care for our hair enough. Combing too often and heat also destroy the natural structure of the hair.

You can easily find out whether you are one of those people who actually have waves or even curls using the “Curly Girl Method”. We reveal how you can bring out your natural curls and what you need to consider when using the Curly Girl method.

What is the Curly Girl Method?

The Curly Girl Method is a hair care routine for wavy and curly hair. This method is actually very old. But through social media, she experienced another one in the last few months.

The method is very complex - there are numerous articles, videos and even books, all of which contain a lot of detailed information. In our article we provide you with an overview of the most important aspects. If you want to delve deeper into the topic, we recommend the book “Beautiful Curls” by Lorraine Massey (here on Amazon).*

The aim of the Curly Girl method is to “bring back” the natural hair structure. To do this, you have to banish everything that damages your hair from the bathroom cabinet. Hairdryer,, hairbrush and weighing care products no longer have any place in your hair routine.

Instead, you now use a lot of conditioner and hair gel. In summary, there are four big rules for the Curly Girl Method. Of course, you don't have to stick to them strictly. Test what works best for you.

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Rule Number 1:Do not use products that...Silicones, parabens, sulfates, perfume substancesor Alcohol contain. Instead, products are used that provide the hair with a lot of moisture and do not weigh it down.

Rule Number 2:Say “goodbye” to yours. You should not comb your hair when it is wet or even when it is dry. With the Curly Girl method you use a lot of conditioner, which should detangle your hair. If that's not enough, you can help with your fingers or a wide-toothed comb (here on Amazon)*

Rule Number 3:Heat is taboo! If you don't want to go without your beloved hairdryer, use a diffuser attachment. Also, only blow dry your hair cold or lukewarm.

Rule Number 4:You should also avoid using a terry cloth towel. Use a microfiber towel instead (here on Amazon)* or alternatively an old cotton shirt. This is much gentler on your hair and does not roughen the hair structure.

Curyl Girl Method: How do I know if I have curls?

Before you test the method, you should of course roughly estimate whether you tend to have curls at all. If you already know you have curls, you can use the Curly Girl method to give them back their natural bounce, making them more beautiful, defined and...look.

If you are unsure whether you tend to have curls or waves, the following questions can help you: Is your hair more fluffy than straight after blow-drying? Does your hair get wavy when you let it air dry? Does your hair get frizzy when it rains? If you can answer “yes” to these questions, that is the first indication that your hair is naturally curly.

If you take it very seriously, in the next step you should find out what hair and curl structure you have. There are numerous tables and graphics on the Internet that you can use to determine this.

The types range from 1a for very straight hair to 4c for very tight, curly hair. There is an individual method for every hair structure. However, we will skip this step and present the method in general.

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What products do I need for the Curly Girl Method?

If you want to use the Curly Girl method, you have to change your entire hair care routine. Actually, you don’t need that many products. Mainly you use conditioner, gel and a leave-in product.

However, your hair care must not contain silicones, parabens, sulfates or alcohol. Unfortunately, a large number of products are no longer available. So that the search doesn't become too difficult for you, we have put together a few products.

This is what you need:

For anyone who wants to do their own research: Here is an overview of the “banned” ingredients

Curly Girl Method: Here's how it works

Once you have got all the products, you can finally get started. Before you start your actual hair care routine, you should wash your hair one last time with a deep-cleansing shampoo to remove all old residue. This allows the hair to absorb the new care and moisture in the best possible way.

Step 1:First, wet your hair as usual in the shower and wash it with water. If you can't do without shampoo, wash your hair with a mild shampoo, such as baby shampoo. Only apply the shampoo to the roots and avoid the lengths.

Step 2:Now the conditionergenerousput in your hair. It's best to start at the ends and knead the product into the entire length of your hair. Light curls should now form in the shower.

Tipp:Are you unsure which shampoo and conditioner is suitable for the Curly Girl method? We can offer you DevaCurl products (here on Amazon)* recommend. You get the no-poo products in a practical set. Both products were rated very well by customers. They should feel light on the hair and not weigh it down at all.


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Step 3:Add enough conditioner to your hair until there are no more tangles in your hair. If you want to comb your hair, you can do that now if necessary. Actually, the conditioner should have already untangled your hair. If not, either gently run your fingers through the hair or use a wide-tooth comb. Then rinse out the conditioner with lukewarm or cold water.

Step 4:It is important that you do not wring out your hair as usual. Grab the ends of your hair with your hands and wring them upwards. Do this by kneading. Under no circumstances should you twirl or flatten your hair.

Step 5:Now place your hair in a cotton towel or shirt using the plopping method. To do this, place the towel on the bathtub and let your hair fall onto the towel from above. Then pick up the remaining hair with your towel and wrap it into a turban. This step is important so that the hair structure is not roughened again. Leave the towel on for a few minutes so that most of the liquid is out of your hair.

Plopping Tutorial: How to Get the Most Beautiful Curls Ever!

Step 6:Remove the towel and add another as neededor add another moisturizing product to your hair. Make sure that you knead the product into your hair again. Take your time, as this will help your hair regain its original bounce.

Step 7:In the last step, put some hair gel in your hands and knead the gel into your hair. Feel free to pick up new styling gel a few times and work it into your hair. It's best to do this by feeling. The general rule here is: more is more!

Optional:You should actually let your hair air dry now. But if you don't want to go without your beloved hairdryer, you can carefully blow-dry your curls with a defuser attachment.

Reading tips:

How long do you use the method?

You should see the first small improvements after the first application. But you'll only get really great, well-groomed curls after you've gone through this hair routine a few times. After about two to three weeks, your hair should have recovered and look noticeably curlier, neater and more beautiful.