18th Wedding Anniversary: ​​The Meaning of the Turquoise Wedding

After 18 years of marriage, you can really pat yourself on the back and be proud of the connection you've created together. During this long time, you may have founded a family, overcome common crises and created many beautiful moments together. After 18 years, a married couple has every reason to celebrate. The couple doesn't necessarily have to celebrate as a couple.

If you want to look at the wedding day less romantically but more humorously, you can throw a real party because the marriage has now reached the age of majority. The marriage has now reached mature “adult status”. Let it rip or enjoy the togetherness. In any case, here you will find out the most beautiful ideas for and the meaning behind the 18th wedding anniversary.

The meaning behind the 18th wedding anniversary

The 18th wedding anniversary is the so-called turquoise wedding. Turquoise is both one of the most well-known gemstones and an iridescent blue-green color that was also named after the semi-precious stone. The meanings of the wedding day can therefore be interpreted differently.

The turquoise stone was given particular attention in ancient Egypt or Greece, by the Indians and later in the Biedermeier era. Turquoise is a very popular and sought-after stone worldwide and has been for thousands of years.

It was used as a grave offering, jewelry, but also to decorate weapons such as daggers or pistols. The reason for this is not only its special color, but also its effect as a protective stone. Turquoise is said to lead the wearer to success and give the strength to protect themselves.

Turquoise is also said to protect against dangers and evil spirits.The healing stone is also said to strengthen communication skills and give the wearer self-confidence and assertiveness. Turquoise is even said to have a healing effect against depression.

The connection to the 18th wedding anniversary is not entirely clear. However, it is conceivable that the couple also had to fight many battles in 18 years - both with the outside world and with each other. They will still have to fight one or two battles in the next few years.

Turquoise is said to be at their side as a healing and protective stone. He is supposed to protect them from danger and bring them victoriously to their destination. Turquoise can also help improve communication. A quality that is important in every relationship.

Credit:Getty Images

However, if you look at the meaning of the color turquoise, a slightly different symbolism emerges for the 18th wedding anniversary. The color turquoise combines the properties of the colors green and blue. Turquoise therefore stands for liveliness and freshness as well as clarity and consciousness. Freedom is also associated with turquoise.

The color turquoise symbolizes that the marriage after 18 years is also characterized by clarity, balance and self-confident composure. At the same time, even in an 18-year marriage there should be no lack of freshness and liveliness.

But another meaning is also important:Turquoise is a rarity in nature.It doesn't happen often. The situation is similar with a marriage that has lasted for 18 years. It's not a given to find love that lasts these days. That's why marriage is now as precious as a gemstone.

Reading tips:

18th wedding anniversary: ​​gift ideas for a turquoise wedding

A delicious dinner

Time for two is always a nice idea. Especially in a marriage that has lasted for so long, everyday life can become overwhelming. Then it's nice if you can, at least on your wedding day, isolate yourself from everything and simply enjoy the time with your partner. Eating is most people’s favorite pastime anyway.

Either you give a voucher for a special restaurant (How about, for example, a crime thriller dinner voucher right here at Jochen Schweizer?)*, or you can cook a delicious multi-course meal at home. The advantage of this is that it is cheaper, you can cook your partner's favorite dishes and you can decorate the dining room in keeping with the turquoise theme! This gesture should put a smile on your partner's face.

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Turquoise jewelry
Turquoise is a popular gemstone. You can find it in numerous variations, combined with silver, gold or leather. Turquoise is also often used for men's jewelry. If you like, you can make your partner very happy with turquoise jewelry and a beautiful card explaining the meaning behind it for the wedding day.

18 flowers
Instead of basing your gift on the meaning of the 18th wedding anniversary, you can also think of a nice gift based on the number 18. Super simple but beautiful: 18 pieces of your favorite flowers. If you like, you can even have 18 different flowers tied into a bouquet and choose flowers that have a beautiful meaning. One for each year of marriage.

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18 reasons why I love you

The most beautiful gifts are undoubtedly those that come from the heart. The wedding day is the perfect opportunity to tell the other person how much you love them and maybe,for whatyou love him. For example, collect 18 reasons and make a wedding anniversary gift out of them.

Stick 18 reasons in the form of post-its in the car or on the bathroom mirror. Simply a place where the other person is guaranteed to notice the pieces of paper. Or fill 18 balloons with helium and hang a card with a reason on each balloon. Your partner will be surprised by 18 colorful balloons (bonus points if the balloons are turquoise!).

Also nice: Pick one endearing quality for each year of marriage so far. Then write down a short anecdote from the year of the marriage in which your partner demonstrated this trait.

Wellness weekend
If time for two has become a rare commodity after 18 years, then there is hardly a better way to unwind together than in the spa. Treat yourself to a weekend of deep relaxation with steam baths, massages and sauna sessions. This makes it much easier to talk about your marriage and your plans for the future in a relaxed manner.You can book a wellness weekend with Dorint here.*

Wellness package

Wellness weekends are balm for the soul. However, they have the disadvantage that they are quite expensive. A cheaper alternative is a wellness weekend at home. Give your partner a specially put together wellness package for home. You can integrate massage oil, bath bombs, scented candles, etc. there.

Of course, it's particularly nice if, true to the motto of the 18th wedding anniversary, you only pack things in turquoise colors into the package. Alternatively, things in blue-green tones also work.

Turquoise gifts
Of course, you can also simply make any gift suitable if you choose a turquoise version. Turquoise pillows, bed linen, vases, dishes – there are absolutely no limits to your imagination.

A trip together

Another special way to celebrate your 18th wedding anniversary is to go on a trip together. Children, everyday life, stress - everything is left behind for a few days so that the couple has the opportunity to just focus on themselves. It doesn't have to be far or long. Even a half-hour drive can be enough to give your relationship a well-deserved break.

Combine the whole thing with a slightly different kind of overnight stay and sleep in an igloo or a barrel for the first time in your life.Here you can find an overview of special accommodation options directly from Jochen Schweizer.*

A vacation together
A gift in a class of its own is a holiday together. Completely in keeping with the theme of the 18th wedding anniversary – turquoise. Go somewhere where the water is turquoise. Whether that is the Bavarian Caribbean or the real Caribbean is up to each individual.

Credit:Getty Images

Reading tips:

Sayings for the 18th wedding anniversary

Everyday life in a marriage is often more about necessities - doctor's appointments, the shopping list, upcoming events. Loving words are reserved for special occasions and what occasion is as special as the 18th wedding anniversary? A marriage anniversary is the perfect time to show your appreciation for each other.

If you are at a loss for words in such situations, you can get inspiration from well-known quotes and sayings.

“Love is not just looking at each other, but looking together in the same direction.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

“Human happiness comes not so much from great strokes of luck that rarely occur, but rather from small fortunate circumstances that occur every day.”
Benjamin Franklin

“There is nothing more beautiful than being loved, loved for one’s own sake, or rather in spite of oneself.”
Victor Hugo

“Where you feel the most, you know the least to say.”
Annette von Droste-Hülshoff

“Without belief in its permanence, love would be nothing; only constancy makes it great.”
Honore de Balzac

“To write a good love letter, you must begin without knowing what you want to say and end without knowing what you said.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“To love a person is to agree to grow old with them.”
Albert Camus

“We are shaped and shaped by what we love.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“To experience the full value of happiness, we need someone to share it with.”
Marc Twain

“The nature of true love can always be compared to childhood. Both have in common the rashness, the carelessness, the exuberance, the laughter and the tears.”
Honore de Balzac

More sayings in the video: Short, funny and sometimes even rhyming

Congratulations on your wedding: Short, funny and sometimes even rhyming

“Remember that a good marriage depends on two things: first, finding the right person and second, being the right person.”
Author Unknown

“True love is like the ring and the ring has no end.”
Brazilian proverb

“A good marriage is based on the talent for friendship.”
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

“In marriage you have to wage a constant battle against a monster that devours everything: habit.”
Honoré de Balzac

“In your hands are my times, my entire life, all the days, hours and moments.”
Martin Luther